The Block mountains which is also known as fault-block mountains, are get into the form when large blocks of the Earth’s crust are uplifted and tilted along fault lines. This creates steep slopes on one side of the block and gentler slopes on the other side.

Formation of Block Mountains
Step-1: Tectonic forces create a fault
Block mountains are formed when large blocks of the Earth’s crust are uplifted and tilted along a fault line. The fault is created by tensional forces that pull the crust apart.
Step-2: Blocks of crust are uplifted
As the tensional forces continue, the blocks of crust are pushed up or down, depending on the direction of the forces involved. In the case of block mountains, the blocks are pushed up, creating steep slopes on one side and gentler slopes on the other.
Step-3: Erosion wears down the softer rock
Over time, erosion wears away the softer rock on the gentler slopes. This exposes the harder rock on the steep slopes, which erodes more slowly.
Step-4: The mountain continues to rise
As block mountain continues to rise, it may also be subject to further tectonic activity, such as earthquakes or volcanic eruptions. These events can cause further deformation and erosion, shaping the mountain and creating new features such as canyons, cliffs, and valleys.
Step-5: The process continues
The process of block mountain formation continues as long as tectonic forces continue to act on the Earth’s crust. Over millions of years, block mountains can reach great heights and become important geological features of the landscape.
Read Also : Fold Mountains