BPSC Exam Pattern 2023: BPSC Prelims Syllabus Consist of 1 Paper & the Mains Exam consists of 5 papers. Get complete Revised BPSC Prelims & Mains Exam Pattern 2023 in detail here.
BPSC Exam Pattern Revised
The revised BPSC 69th Prelims and Mains Exam Pattern are provided below for candidates to review. The Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) releases the 69th BPSC Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2023 through an official notification. In order to prepare for the Combined Competitive Exam (CCE), candidates must download the 69th BPSC Syllabus 2023 and the BPSC Exam Pattern. The BPSC CCE Recruitment 2023 will fill a number of openings in a variety of positions. Before designing a preparation plan, aspirants must fully understand and study the BPSC Syllabus. The following are the major changes in the 69th BPSC Exam Pattern:
- The 69th BPSC Prelims Exam will be organized for a total of 150 marks, with 1 mark awarded for each correct answer and 0.25 marks deducted for each wrong answer.
- With the addition of an essay paper, the 69th BPSC Mains Exam will now include 5 total papers i.e., GS I, GS II, Essay, General Hindi, and Optional Paper.
- Along with the General Hindi Paper, the Optional Paper will also have 100 marks and be qualifying nature.
- A total of 900 marks will be used to assess the candidates (from the GS I, GS II and Essay Paper).
Read more: Bihar PCS Preliminary & Mains Syllabus
BPSC Prelims Exam Pattern 2023
Earlier there was no negative marking in the BPSC Prelims examination. This year BPSC has given 3 options to all the candidates during fill out the BPSC registration form for 69th BPSC 2023 exam and as per the majority of the suggestions that are given by students, Commission decide to start the negative marking provision for every 150 questions uniformly.

BPSC Prelims Exam Pattern 2023 | |
Name of Exam | Combined Competitive Exam (Pre) |
Organizing Body | Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) |
No. of Papers in Prelims | Only one General Studies Paper |
Duration | 2 hours |
Total Marks in Prelims | 150 Marks, Every question asked for 1 mark. |
Negative Marking | 0.25 Marks for every wrong answer |
Total No. of Questions | 150 Questions |
Type of Questions | MCQ-based questions (Objective Questions) |
Read more: Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) FAQs
BPSC Prelims Minimum Qualifying Marks
The following are the minimum marks required to pass the BPSC Prelims Exam:
BPSC Prelims Minimum Qualifying Marks | |
Category | Minimum Qualifying Marks |
General | 40% |
BC | 36.5% |
OBC | 34% |
Women/SC/ST/PwD | 32% |
Read more: Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) – Pattern
BPSC Mains Exam Pattern 2023
Commission also revised the BPSC Mains Exam Pattern from this year. Earlier only 4 papers were included in the BPSC CCE examination i.e., General Hindi, General Studies Paper I and II and Optional Paper but from now onwards Essay papers will also be included in the BPSC Mains Exam Pattern. This amendment is taken by the commission to resolve the problem of the scaling/normalisation of the optional paper in the main exam.
So, from now onwards BPSC Mains exam pattern will comprise 5 papers out of which the Optional Paper and General Hindi paper will be qualifying in nature. While submitting their application form, candidates have the option to select any subject from a list of 34 disciplines as an optional paper. As Hindi and the optional paper are qualifying in nature, the exam will be conducted for a total of 1100 marks, but candidates will only receive scores out of 900 marks.
Each paper will be conducted for three hours and be subjective in nature (except for the optional paper). There will be Multiple choice questions in the optional paper.
Read more: Bihar Public Service Commission – Strategy
BPSC Mains Exam Pattern 2023 | |||
Paper Code | BPSC Syllabus Subjects for Mains | Marks | Time Duration |
01 | General Hindi (Qualifying, minimum 30%) | 100 | 3 hours |
02 | General Studies Paper 1 | 300 | 3 hours |
03 | General Studies Paper 2 | 300 | 3 hours |
04 to 37 | Optional Paper (MCQ Based & Qualifying) | 100 | 3 hours |
38 | Essay | 300 | 3 hours |
General Studies Papers
Candidates who clears the prelims will be eligible for sitting in the prelims examination the following topics will be covered in General Studies Papers I and paper II in BPSC Mains examination:
General Studies Papers for BPSC Mains | |
General Studies Papers I | General Studies Papers II |
Modern History of India and Indian culture. Current events of national and international importance. Statistical analysis, graphs and diagrams. | Indian Polity Indian economy and Geography of India; and The role and impact of science and technology in the development of India. |
Read more: Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) GK
BPSC Interview
After cracking the BPSC Mains Exam, candidates will eligible for the interview round. The candidates will then appear for the BPSC Interview phase, following which those who made the cut will have their documents verified. The interview will be used to evaluate the candidates’ general knowledge, character attributes, and job-related skills. The candidate will go through document verification if they are considered qualified for selection, and then they will be hired. There will be 120 marks awarded for this interview round.
The BPSC 68th Prelims Result 2023 has already been declared. The result was announced on 27th March 2023 on the official website of BPSC. Candidates who appeared for the exam can check their results by visiting the official BPSC website. The result is available in the form of a PDF file, which contains the list of candidates who have qualified for the exam.
Read Also: BPSC Syllabus 2023, BPSC Prelims, Mains Syllabus
Read more: bpsc result, bpsc result 2023, bpsc, bpsc 69th notification 2023, bpsc, bpsc syllabus, bihar public service commission, bpsc.bih.nic, bpsc answer key