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Modern Indian History

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Fall of Mughals

Advent of Europeans

India under East India Company’s Rule


Political policies

  • Regulating Act Of 1773
  • Pitt’s India Act 1784
  • Charter Acts Of 1784, 1793, 1813,1833, 1853

British Expansion Policy

  • Doctrine Of Lapse
  • Subordinate Alliance
  • Misc.

Economic policies and their impact

  • Agricultural Policies
  • Famine Policy

Foreign Policies

Social Policies

  • Education Policies
    • Charter Act Of 1813
    • Orientalist-Anglicism Controversy
    • Wood’s Dispatch (1854) Hunter Education Commission (1882-83)
    • Indian Universities Act, 1904
    • Government Resolution On Education Policy,1913
    • Saddler University Commission (1917-19)
    • Hartog Committee,1929
    • Wardha Scheme,1937
    • Sergeant Plan Of Education
    • Kothari Education Commission (1964-66)
    • Development Of Vernacular Education
    • Development Of Technical Education
  • Religious Policies

Indian Kingdoms in 18th Century

  • Marathas
  • Punjab
  • Mysore
  • Hyderabad
  • Others

Socio – Religious Reform Movements in the 19th and 20th CE India

  • Hindu Reform Movements
  • Muslim Reform Movements
  • Parsi Reform Movements
  • Sikh Reform Movements
  • Famous Personalities Of Reform Movements

Changes in Indian Administration after 1858

Growth of Political Ideas and Political Organizations (up to 1885)

Foundation of the Indian National Congress

National Movement (1885 – 1919)

  • Growth of Indian Nationalism
  • Early Phase Indian National Congress
  • The Moderate Congress (1885-1905)
  • The Extremist (1905-1920)
    • Terrorist Movements
    • The Revolutionary Movement
    • Revolutionary Activities In Maharashtra
    • Revolutionary Activities In Bengal
    • Revival Of Revolutionary Nationalism
    • Revolutionary Activities Outside India
    • The Indian Independence Committee In Berlin
  • Differences Between The Moderates And The Extremists
  • Partition Of Bengal,1905
  • Swadeshi Movement
  • Muslim League, 1906
  • Surat Session Of INC, 1907
  • Indian Council Act (Morley-Minto Act) 1909
  • Ghadar Party, 1913
  • Komagata Maru Incident, 1914
  • The Lucknow Pact, 1916
  • Home Rule Movement (1915–1916)
  • August Declaration, 1917
  • Champaran Satyagraha, 1917
  • Ahmadabad Mill Strike, 1918
  • Kheda Satyagraha,1918

National Movement (1919 – 1939)

  • Montague-Chelmsford Reforms Or The Government Of India Act, 1919
  • Rowlatt Act And Jallianwala Bagh Massacre (1919)
  • Khilafat Movement
  • The Non-Cooperation Movement (1920-22)
  • The Left Movement
  • Bardoli Resolution
  • Nagpur Session Of Congress
  • Swaraj Party
  • Simon Commission,1927
  • Bardoli Satyagraha, 1928
  • Nehru Report, 1928
  • Jinnah’s Fourteen Points
  • Lahore Session, 1929
  • Civil Disobedience Movement (1930-1931)
  • First Round Table Conference, 1930
  • Gandhi-Irwin Pact, 1931
  • Karachi Session,1931
  • Second Round Table Conference, 1931
  • Second Phase Of Civil Disobedience Movement
  • Third Round Table Conference, 1932
  • Communal Award
  • Poona Pact, 1932
  • Government Of India Act, 1935
  • Provincial Elections And Formation Of Popular Ministries In Provinces, 1937

Freedom to Partition (1939 – 1947)

  • World War II And Indian Nationalism
  • Resignation Of Congress Ministers ,1939
  • Poona Resolution And Conditional Support To Britain ,1941
  • August Offer, 1940
  • The Individual Civil Disobedience
  • Two-Nation Theory
  • Demand For Pakistan,1942
  • Quit India Movement
  • Azad Hind Fauj
  • Indian National Army
  • I.N.A. Trials
  • I.N. Rebellion
  • Rajagopalachari Formula, 1945
  • Desai – Liaqat Plan
  • Wavell Plan And Shimla Conference 1945
  • General Elections In India, 1945
  • Naval Mutiny, 1946
  • Cabinet Mission,1946
  • Jinnah’s Direct-Action Resolution
  • Mountbatten Plan Of June 1947
  • Indian Independence Act 1947

Other Dimensions

  • Tribal Movements
    • Bhil Uprising
    • Kol Uprising
    • Santhal Rebellion
    • Jaintia And Garo Rebellion
    • Rampa Rebellion
    • Munda Rebellion
    • Khonda Dora Uprisings
    • Tana Bhagat Movement
  • Peasants Movement
    • Champaran Satyagraha
    • Kheda Peasant Struggle
    • Bardoli Movement
    • Moplah Rebellion
    • Tebhaga Movement
    • Telangana Movement
  • Dalit Movements
  • Women Movement
  • Role Of Press And Publications
  • Role Of Business Groups


Frequently Asked Questions

What were the causes of the Indian Rebellion of 1857?

The Indian Rebellion of 1857, also known as the Sepoy Mutiny, had multifaceted causes. Key reasons included the introduction of the new Enfield rifle cartridges, cultural and religious grievances among sepoys, economic exploitation, dissatisfaction with British administrative policies, and the lingering impact of the annexation of princely states. The rebellion marked a turning point in India’s struggle for independence.

Medieval India witnessed the growth of trade routes, the establishment of market towns, and the development of a diverse economic system. The introduction of the Sufi and Bhakti saints also influenced economic activities.

Explain the significance of the formation of the Indian National Congress in 1885.

The Indian National Congress (INC) was founded with the aim of obtaining a greater share in government for educated Indians. Its formation marked the beginning of organized political activity among Indians. Over time, the INC became the principal leader of the Indian independence movement, advocating constitutional reforms, self-rule, and ultimately, independence. It played a crucial role in shaping the political landscape of British India.

Medieval India witnessed the growth of trade routes, the establishment of market towns, and the development of a diverse economic system. The introduction of the Sufi and Bhakti saints also influenced economic activities.

Assess the impact of the Swadeshi Movement on the Indian National Movement.

The Swadeshi Movement, initiated in response to the partition of Bengal in 1905, aimed at boycotting British goods and promoting Indian-made products. This movement had a profound impact on the Indian National Movement by fostering a sense of national unity and self-reliance. It led to the emergence of leaders like Tilak and Aurobindo Ghosh, and it laid the foundation for more radical forms of protest against British rule.

Discuss the role of Mahatma Gandhi in the Indian National Movement.

Mahatma Gandhi, through his philosophy of non-violent resistance or ‘Satyagraha,’ became the undisputed leader of the Indian National Movement. His leadership during campaigns like the Non-Cooperation Movement and Salt March mobilized millions and brought international attention to India’s struggle for independence. Gandhi’s principles of truth and non-violence left an indelible mark on the ethos of the Indian freedom movement.

Analyze the impact of World War II on the Indian National Movement.

World War II significantly influenced the Indian National Movement. The British government’s reluctance to grant immediate self-rule in exchange for Indian support in the war led to the Quit India Movement of 1942. This marked a turning point, as it demonstrated the determination of Indians to achieve independence and weakened the British hold over India.

What were the main factors leading to the partition of India in 1947?

The partition of India in 1947 resulted from a combination of religious, political, and socio-economic factors. Deep-seated religious tensions between Hindus and Muslims, exacerbated by the demand for a separate Muslim state, led to the creation of Pakistan. Additionally, political maneuvering, communal violence, and the hurried withdrawal of the British played pivotal roles in this momentous event.

Evaluate the economic policies adopted by independent India in the early years after gaining independence.

India’s economic policies post-independence were characterized by the adoption of a mixed economy, emphasizing planned development. The First Five-Year Plan focused on agriculture, while subsequent plans targeted industrialization. The policies aimed to reduce poverty, achieve self-sufficiency, and create a foundation for long-term economic growth. However, debates persist on the effectiveness of these policies.

What were the reasons behind the emergence of regional movements in post-independence India?

Regional movements in post-independence India stemmed from issues related to linguistic identity, economic disparities, and cultural autonomy. States like Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, and others witnessed movements demanding separate linguistic states. These movements had a significant impact on the reorganization of states in India and highlighted the importance of regional aspirations.

Assess the impact of Indo-Pak wars on the geopolitics of the Indian subcontinent.

The Indo-Pak wars of 1947-48, 1965, and 1971 had far-reaching consequences on the geopolitics of the Indian subcontinent. The conflicts addressed territorial disputes, particularly in Kashmir, and resulted in changes to national boundaries. The 1971 war, in particular, led to the creation of Bangladesh. These wars shaped diplomatic relations, defense strategies, and regional dynamics for decades to come.

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