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Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (UKPSC) Strategy
   Why Need Strategy?
  • To ensure success in the examination conducted by Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (UKPSC), Haridwar, there is a need to make a proper and dynamic strategy according to its nature.
  • This is the first process by which half of your success is ensured in the very beginning itself.
  • It is to be noted that this exam is generally conducted in three stages (Preliminary, Main and Interview), in which it is necessary to pass the previous stage to reach the next stage.
  • The nature of examination of these three stages is different from each other. Therefore, there is a need to strategize separately to ensure success at each stage.
Preliminary Exam Strategy
  • Like other State Public Service Commissions, the nature of questions in the preliminary examination of Uttarakhand Public Service Commission is also objective (multiple choice) type.
  • The nature of this preliminary examination was changed by the commission in the year 2014. According to this, now two compulsory papers ‘General Studies’ and ‘General Intelligence Test’ (General Aptitude Test) are asked in this exam respectively. This preliminary exam has a total of 300 marks.
  • The cut-off is determined on the basis of the sum of the marks obtained in both these papers.
  • There is a system of negative marking. In this examination, one-fourth (1/4) mark is deducted as a penalty for each wrong answer.
  • To ensure your success in the preliminary examination, first study its syllabus thoroughly and keeping in mind all its parts and aspects, set the order of preference according to convenience and interest.
  • Take a closer look at the questions asked in the Preliminary Examination in the last 5 to 10 years and pay more attention to those points and headings, due to which the trend of asking questions in the previous years has been more.
  • The syllabus of the first paper ‘General Studies’ is mainly divided into 6 parts.
    • In this mainly questions related to traditional general studies, Uttarakhand state specific and current events are asked.
    • Its detailed information is given in the title ‘Syllabus’.
    • The questions of this paper are mainly History of India, Culture and National Movement, History and Culture of Uttarakhand, Geography of India and World, Geography of Uttarakhand, Indian Polity, International Organization, Polity of Uttarakhand, Economic and Social Development, Economy of Uttarakhand, General Science and Technology deals with current events of state, national and international importance.
  • A closer look at the syllabus of this exam and the nature of questions asked in the previous years, it is known that deep conceptual and factual knowledge of some sections is essential.
    • For example, who founded the ‘Satyashodhak Samaj’?
    • Under whose supervision does the Lok Sabha Secretariat directly work?
    • Who is called ‘Doon’ in Uttarakhand? And so on.
  • It is clear from the above that U.K.P.S.C. In this preliminary examination, about 25-30% questions are asked from the particular state of Uttarakhand. Therefore, to solve the questions related to Uttarakhand state specific, it will be beneficial to study the book ‘Uttarakhand State Special’ or any standard state level book available in the market published by the Publication Department of the Government of Uttarakhand.
  • The easiest way to remember and solve these questions is to make short notes related to the factual information of the subject and study it regularly like;
    • A question was asked on which rivers Tehri Hydroelectric Project is built. To answer such questions, a list should be prepared related to India’s major hydroelectric projects and their location.
  • NCERT based questions are asked in the General Studies exam. Reading the NCERT books is beneficial.
    • Along with this, it will be very beneficial for the candidates to study the related text materials available on the Drishti website and the ‘Special Issue Sections’ of ‘Drishti Current Affairs Today’ published by Drishti Publications.
    • For ‘current events’, one can study the current affairs points available on any daily newspaper like The Hindu, Dainik Jagran (National Edition) etc. as well as on the Drishti website.
    • Apart from this, it will be beneficial to study the standard monthly magazine ‘Drishti Current Affairs Today’ for the preparation of this section.
  • The syllabus of the second paper ‘General Intelligence Test’ is mainly divided into 2 parts.
    • In its first part 80 questions related to aptitude test, communication and interpersonal skills, logical and analytical ability, decision making and problem solving, general mental ability, numerical intelligence and statistical analysis are asked.
    • In the second part 20 questions related to comprehension skills in English and Hindi language and questions related to grammar are asked. Its detailed information is given in the title ‘Syllabus’.
    • Questions related to CSAT can be practiced by categorizing the questions asked earlier into different sections.
    • Since all the questions are of equal marks and there is a provision of negative marking for wrong answers, candidates are expected to solve the questions carefully, avoiding the ‘Guess method’ as negative marking will also reduce their actual score.
  • It is beneficial to try to solve the practice papers and questions asked in the preliminary examination in previous years within the prescribed time limit (usually two hours). While solving these questions develops the understanding of the subject, it becomes easier to solve the repetitive questions in these exams.
  • Generally 50-60% marks are required to pass this exam, but sometimes this percentage can be more or less depending on the difficulty level of the questions.
Mains Exam Strategy
  • Due to the descriptive/analytical nature of this UKPSC Mains exam, its preparation strategy is different from that of the Prelims.
  • While the preliminary examination is qualifying in nature, the marks obtained in the main examination are added to the final merit list. Hence, this stage of the examination is very important and crucial to a great extent.
  • In the year 2014. There was a radical change in the syllabus of this UKPSC main examination. Earlier, in this main examination, along with general studies, two optional subjects were also asked, which have now been removed.
    • According to the new amendment, now seven compulsory papers are asked in this main examination.
    • Its detailed information is given in the title ‘Syllabus’ under ‘Brief Description of the notification’.
  • The questions in the main exam are of conventional type, short, medium and long answer type. The word limit (20 words, 50 words, 125 words and 250 words) is taken care of while writing the answers to the questions.
  • Each question paper is mainly divided into 4 parts.
    • In the first part 15 questions of 2 marks each are given, whose answer is given in prescribed 20 words.
    • In the second part 10 questions of 5-5 marks are given, whose answer is given in 50 words.
    • In the third part 8-8 marks. 7 questions are given, out of which the answer of any 5 questions is given in prescribed 125 words.
    • In the fourth part 7 questions of 16-16 marks are given, out of which answer of any 5 questions is given by the commission in prescribed 250 words.
    • The answers are to be written in the prescribed place in the booklet and in the prescribed words within a maximum time limit of three hours.
    • The nature and number of questions can be changed by the Commission.
  • The main exam is of total 1500 marks. In which a maximum 300 marks have been fixed for the first question paper ‘Language’. Apart from this, a maximum of 200-200 marks has been fixed for the remaining 6 papers.
    • The first question paper is related to ‘language’. In this, questions related to General Hindi (50 marks), General English (20 marks) and Essay writing (130 marks) are asked. It is mandatory to get a minimum 35% marks in this language paper.
      • For the preparation of this paper, any standard book available in the market like- it will be beneficial to study the book ‘Essay-Drishti’ published by Drishti Publication.
    • The second question paper is related to ‘History of India, National Movement, Society and Culture’.
      • In this question paper, questions related to the history of ancient, medieval and modern India as well as British rule in Uttarakhand are asked.
      • The standard study material for this course can be obtained from the Distance Learning Program (DLP) of Drishti The Vision Institute, Delhi.
    • The third question paper is related to ‘Indian Polity, Social Justice and International Relations’.
      • In this paper, questions were asked in the political-administrative system of India, public management, human resource and community development, social welfare and related legislation, international relations, international organisations, contemporary developments as well as in the political, social and administrative context of the state of Uttarakhand.
      • For its preparation, along with studying a standard book like ‘M. Laxmikant’, it will be beneficial for the candidates to make short point wise notes according to the nature of questions in the main examination. For this the help of the internet can be taken.
    • The fourth question paper is related to ‘Geography of India and the world’.
      • In this, questions are asked on different aspects related to geography of India and the world as well as various aspects related to the geography of Uttarakhand.
    • The fifth question paper is related to ‘Economic and Social Development’.
      • In this, questions are asked related to the socio-economic system of India, Indian agriculture and industry, planning and foreign trade, public finance and monetary system as well as the economy of Uttarakhand.
      • For its preparation, it will be beneficial for the candidates to study any standard book available in the market, as well as make short point-wise notes of the study material available on the internet according to the nature of the main exam questions.
    • Paper VI is related to ‘General Science and Technology’.
      • In this, questions are asked on various aspects related to physical and chemical science, space technology, life science, computer, information and communication technology and cyber security, environmental problem and disaster management, global environment subject, disaster management and rehabilitation and reconstruction authority.
      • For its preparation, it will be beneficial for the candidates to study ‘Quick Book on General Science and Technology’ by Drishtiias for solving science based questions, and related material available on the Internet.
    • The seventh question paper is related to ‘General Aptitude and Ethics’.
      • In this, questions are asked from Arithmetic, Algebra, Coordinate Geometry and Statistics as well as questions related to Ethics.
      • For its preparation, candidates have to study ‘RS of Mathematics’. Aggarwal’ book as well as any other standard book related to the subject, it will be beneficial to study section wise according to the nature of questions asked in the previous years.
  • After observing the nature and syllabus of the UKPSC main examination, it becomes clear that it will be beneficial to study all its syllabus in the context of Uttarakhand state.
    • These questions can be related to the history, geography, political, social and administrative context of Uttarakhand, economic and social development and other aspects of disaster management.
    • It would be better to make point wise notes on each topic of the syllabus on the basis of at least two standard books for the study of a particular Uttarakhand state.
    • Generally 60-65% marks are required to be scored in this stage of the examination. However, due to the change in the syllabus, this percentage may be slightly less.
    • Credit will be given to the organized, subtle and powerful expression in the least number of words in all the subjects of the examination.
  • It is known that the answers to the descriptive nature papers have to be written in the answer book, so while writing the answers to such questions, special attention should be paid to the writing style and agility as well as time management.
  • The development of writing style and consistency comes from constant practice, for which a comprehensive understanding of the subject is essential.
Interview Strategy
  • The candidates selected in the main examination (generally 3 times the total number of vacancies mentioned in the notification) have to appear for an interview before the commission after one month ordinarily.
  • Interview is the last and important stage of any examination.
  • Interview marks have a special contribution in the final selection and post determination.
  • The personality of the candidates is tested during the interview, in which oral questions are asked by the members of the commission at the designated place in the commission. The answer is to be given by the candidate orally.
  • A total of 200 marks have been fixed for the interview in this examination.
  • Your final selection is done on the basis of a merit list prepared on the basis of aggregate of marks obtained in the main examination and interview.
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