The Indian President is the head of the state.
He is the first citizen of India and is a symbol of solidarity, unity, and integrity of the nation.
He is a part of the Union Executive along with the Vice-President, Prime Minister,Council of Ministers, and Attorney-General of India.
What is the procedure for Election of the President
There is no direct election for the Indian President.
An electoral college elects him.
The electoral college responsible for President’s elections comprises elected members of:
- Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
- Legislative Assemblies of the states (Legislative Councils have no role)
- Legislative Assemblies of the Union Territories of Delhi and Puducherry
The value of the vote of an MLA is given below:
Value of Vote of an MLA

The value of the vote of an MP is given below:
Value of Vote of an MP

Important point: The following group of people is not involved in electing thePresident of India:
- Nominated Members of Lok Sabha (2) and Rajya Sabha (12)
- Nominated Members of State Legislative Assemblies
- Members of Legislative Councils (Both elected and nominated) in bicameral legislatures
- Nominated Members of union territories of Delhi and Puducherry
term of the President’s office
Once President is elected, he holds office for five years.
He sits in office even after the completion of five years given no new election has taken place or no new President has been elected till then.
He can also be re-elected and there is no cap on his re-election.
principle of election used in the President’s election
Proportional Representation with means of a single transferable vote
How is the Supreme Court (SC) involved in the President’s election?
Any dispute related to his election is taken up by SC. SC’s decision is final.
Note: After the election of President is declared null and void, the acts done by the President in his office remain valid even after his removal. qualifications of the President
A candidate has to meet some qualifications to be elected as president.
The qualifications of the President are:
- He should be an Indian Citizen
- His age should be a minimum of 35 years
- He should qualify for the conditions to be elected as a member of the Lok Sabha
- He should not hold any office of profit under the central government, state government, or any public authority.
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