Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the 17th Indian Cooperative Congress (ICC) organized by the National Cooperative Union of India (NCUI) recently.
- National Cooperative Union of India (NCUI) is organizing the two days Indian Cooperative Congress.
- The theme of Amrit Kaal: Prosperity through Cooperation for a Vibrant India.
- The Union Home and Cooperation Minister Amit Shah will chair it.
- Objective of the Indian Cooperative Congress:-
- To discuss various trends in the cooperative movement.
- To showcase the best practices being adopted by the successful cooperatives.
- To deliberate on challenges being faced by the cooperative world.
About the National Cooperative Union of India (NCUI):-
- Established: 1929.
- HQ: New Delhi.
- It is the apex body in India which represents all sectors of the Indian Co-operative Movement.
Objectives of NCUI:-
- To promote and develop the co-operative movement in India.
- To educate, guide and assist the people in their efforts.
- To build up and expand the co-operative sector.
NCUI membership:-
- It is open to national and state-level co-operative organizations as well as multi-state co-operative societies.
- As of 2016, NCUI had 260 members, including, 17 National, 163 State and 80 Multi-State Cooperatives.
Function: it provides service as an exponent of co-operative opinion in accordance with cooperative principles.
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