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Schemes under Ministry of Mines

Ministry of Mines

Pradhan Mantri Khanij Kshetra Kalyan Yojana – Ministry of Mines

Purpose: This program aims to support communities and areas impacted by mining activities.

Objective: The main goal is to reduce the negative effects of mining on the environment, health, and socio-economic conditions of people in mining areas. It also aims to ensure that affected individuals have sustainable livelihoods.

Beneficiaries: Those who benefit include people directly affected by mining operations and families displaced due to land acquisition laws.

Implementation: The program is carried out by District Mineral Foundations (DMFs) in the respective districts. These foundations use funds collected from mining companies.

Formation of DMFs: District Mineral Foundations (DMFs) are established as non-profit organizations in districts affected by mining activities under the Mines and Minerals (Development & Regulation) Amendment Act of 2015.

Participatory Decision Making: DMFs are instructed to involve local communities, particularly through gram sabhas (village assemblies), in making significant decisions. Activities funded under the “polluter pays principle” are not eligible for support under this program.

Allocation of Funds: 60% of the funds are designated for priority areas such as providing clean drinking water, healthcare, sanitation, education, skill development, support for women, children, older people, and disabled individuals, and environmental conservation efforts. The remaining 40% is allocated for infrastructure projects like irrigation, energy, and watershed development.

Read Also: River Mining in Uttarakhand

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