What is the News?: The Union Government opposes declaring lightning as a natural disaster, emphasizing the importance of awareness and safety measures.
What is lightning?
- It is the natural process of “an electrical discharge of very little duration and high voltage between a cloud and the ground or within a cloud,” accompanied by a bright flash, a loud sound, and occasionally thunderstorms.
- There are three categories of lightning–
- Intracloud (IC), which is flashes within a cloud
- Cloud to cloud (CC), where lightning jumps from one cloud to another
- Cloud to ground (CG), where lightning strikes from the ground. This is the most well understood kind of strike and the riskiest to life.

Lightning Strikes in India
- The number of lightning-related deaths has increased in recent years, according to the NCRB.
- In 2021, a total of 2,880 people lost their lives due to lightning strikes. This accounted for approximately 40% of all accidental deaths caused by “forces of nature.”
- The proportion of deaths caused by lightning has increased compared to previous years, with 2,862 deaths in 2020 and 2,876 deaths in 2019.
- The increasing proportion of lightning-related fatalities is a cause for concern compared to other natural accidents.
- In 2003, deaths resulting from lightning strikes accounted for only 0.2% of the total deaths caused by forces of nature.
Is Lightning categorized as a Natural Disaster in India?
- Currently, lightning is not categorized as a natural disaster in India.
- Several states have requested the inclusion of lightning deaths as a natural disaster.
- Recognition of lightning deaths as a natural disaster enables victims to access compensation from the SDRF.
- The central government contributes 75% of the funds to the SDRF.
- The SDRF includes coverage for various disasters, including cyclones, earthquakes, floods, fires, and more.
Mitigating Lightning Incidents
- Early Warning System: India has established an early warning system for lightning, saving numerous lives.
- Focus on Rural Areas: Mitigation and awareness programs should focus on rural areas where over 96% of lightning deaths occur.
- Deployment of Protection Devices: Low-cost lightning protection devices need to be deployed more widely, especially in rural areas.
- Lightning Action Plans: States should create lightning action plans to mitigate risks, similar to heat action plans.
- International Centre for Excellence: An international center for lightning research is being established to improve detection and early warning systems.
FAQs Related with Lightning
Ques 1: Is lightning considered a natural disaster in India?
Answer: No, currently lightning is not categorized as a natural disaster in India.
Ques 2: What are the demands regarding lightning deaths in India?
Answer:States demand lightning deaths to be covered as a natural disaster for victim compensation from SDRF.
Ques 3: What disasters are currently covered under the SDRF in India?
Answer: SDRF covers cyclones, droughts, earthquakes, fires, floods, tsunamis, hailstorms, landslides, avalanches, cloudbursts, pest attacks, frost, and cold waves.
Lightning not a Natural Disaster: Centre,Lightning not a Natural Disaster: Centre
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