A landform is small to a medium-sized area of the earth’s surface, and landscapes are collections of Connected landforms.
Each landform is distinct in terms of its physical dimensions, composition, and shape due to the operation of specific geomorphic forces.
Major Landforms of the Earth
- Mountains
- Plains
- Plateaus
- A mountain is an elevated portion of the Earth’s crust that often has steep sides and exposed bedrock to a significant degree.
- A mountain is larger than a hill and differs from a plateau
- It also typically has a smaller peak area.
- Most mountains are found in mountain ranges, while a handful are isolated summits.
Fold mountains:
- When two or more of the tectonic plates of Earth are forced together, fold mountains are formed.
- Rocks and debris are bent and rolled into rocky cliffs, hills, peaks, and entire mountainous regions at these interacting, compressing limits.
- Fold mountains and continental crust are frequently linked. Example: Himalayas, Alps
Block Mountains:
- Block mountains are created when the central block across two normal faults moves higher.
- Horst is another name for the block that is thrown up.
- Although the block mountain’s submission area has a smooth surface, the side elevations are exceedingly steep. Examples: Rhine valley, Vosges (Europe).
Volcanic Mountains:
- Volcanic mountains occur as a result of volcanic activity on the Earth’s surface.
- Through the fractures on the Earth’s surface, the magma inside the planet emerges as lava. This repeatedly cools down to create volcanic mountains. Example: Mount Kilimanjaro (Africa), Mount Fujiyama (Japan).

Benefits of Mountain
- Rivers have their beginnings in the glaciers in the mountains, which act as reservoirs for water.
- Water from the highlands is required for both hydroelectricity production and irrigation.
- Many different types of flora and animals can be found in mountains.
- A plain is a low-lying, relatively flat land surface with a gradual slope and little local relief.
- Plains make up approximately 55% of the earth’s land area.
- The majority of the plain was created by the deposition of river sediments.
- In addition to rivers, the wind, shifting glaciers, and tectonic activity have also contributed to the formation of some plains.
Examples: Asia and North America are where you can find the greatest plains created by rivers. The Ganga and Brahmaputra rivers in India and the Yangtze in China create broad plains throughout Asia.
Benefits of Plain
- Plains are crucial for agriculture because they sustain grasslands that offer ideal grazing for cattle or because they contain deep, fertile soils that can be mechanised to produce crops where they were deposited as sediments.
- The Indo-Gangetic plains of India have the highest population densities.
- A plateau is an elevated flat land. It is like flat-topped table land standing above the surrounding areas.
- It may have one or more sides with steep slopes
- Plateaus may be old or young
- For example, Deccan plateaus in India, East African plateaus in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda.
- Tibet plateau is the highest plateau in the world having a height of 4000 to 6000 meters.
Benefits of Plateau
- It is rich in mineral deposits. For example, the African plateau is famous for Gold and diamond mining.
- In India, Chhota Nagpur Plateau is the huge reservoir of Iron ore, Coal and Manganese.
- Having Fertile soils are good for crop cultivation.
- It is a source of many waterfalls. For examples:
- Hundra falls on Subarnarekha in Chhota Nagpur.
- Jog Falls in Karnataka.
- Provides tourism destination
Landforms on The Earth,Landforms on The Earth
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