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IPC Section 375: Rape

Rape:- A man is said to commit “rape” who, except in the case hereinafter excepted, IPC Section 375:- Rape......

Rape:- A man is said to commit “rape” who, except in the case hereinafter excepted, has sexual intercourse with a woman under circumstances falling under any of the six following de­scriptions:

(First):- Against her will.

(Secondly):- Without her consent.

(Thirdly):- With her consent, when her consent has been obtained by putting her or any person in whom she is interested in fear of death or of hurt.

(Fourthly):- With her consent, when the man knows that he is not her husband, and that her consent is given because she believes that he is another man to whom she is or believes herself to be law­fully married.

(Fifthly):- With her consent, when, at the time of giving such consent, by reason of unsoundness of mind or intoxication or the administration by him personally or through another of any stupe­fying or unwholesome substance, she is unable to understand the nature and consequences of that to which she gives consent.

(Sixthly):- With or without her consent, when she is under sixteen years of age.

Explanation:- Penetration is sufficient to constitute the sexual intercourse necessary to the offence of rape.

(Exception):- Sexual intercourse by a man with his own wife, the wife not being under fifteen years of age, is not rape.]


(Manipur):- (a) in clause sixthly, for the word “sixteen” substitute the word “fourteen”; and (b) in the Exception, for the word “fifteen” substitute the word “thirteen”. [Vide Act 30 of 1950, sec. 3 (w.e.f. 16-4-1950) (made earlier than Act 43 of 1983)].

COMMENTS Absence of injury on male organ of accused Where a prosecutrix is a minor girl suffering from pain due to ruptured hymen and bleeding vagina depicts same, minor contradictions in her statements they are not of much value, also absence of any injury on male organ of accused is no valid ground for innocence of accused, conviction under section 375 I.P.C. proper; Mohd. Zuber Noor Mohammed Changwadia v. State of Gujarat, 1999 Cr LJ 3419 (Guj). Penetration Mere absence of spermatozoa cannot cast a doubt on the correct­ness of the prosecution case; Prithi Chand v. State of Himachal Pradesh, (1989) Cr LJ 841: AIR 1989 SC 702.

375 IPC Case Laws (Supreme Court and High Courts)

Vithabai Sukha (1928) 30 Bom. LR 613
Bagh Chand (1934) 36 Bom. LR 379
Jateendra Mohan Das (1937) 2 Cal 107
Sakshi v. Union of India 2004 Cri L J 2881 (SC)
State of Maharashtra v. M.N. Mardikar AIR 1991 SC 207
Hawk. PCC 16 S 7 p 122
Fletcher (1859) 8 Cox 131
Mayers (1872) 12 Cox 311
Camplin (1845) 1 Cox 220
Sultan (1923) 24 Cri Lj 1488
Bhat Prabha Ruda (1961) 2 GLR 251
William’s case, (1850) 4 Cox. 220
Flattery (1877) 2 QBD 410
Williams 1923 1 KB 340
Moti Ram AIR 1954 Nag 922
Uday v. State of Karnataka 2003 Cri LJ 1539 (SC)
Mana Ramachandra Jadhav v. State of Maharashtra. 1985 Cri LJ 852 (Bom)
Joseph Lines (1844) 1 C & P 393
Shanker (1881) 5 Bom 403
Fatima v. Captain Mc. Cornic (1912) 6 BLT 21
Rameshwar (1952) SCR 377 Didhershwar Ganguli AIR 1958 SC 143
Bharwada Bhoginbhai Hirjibhai v. State of Gujarat 1983 Cri. LJ 1096 (SC)
Sheikh Jakir v. State of Bihar 1983 Cri. JL 1285 (SC)
Tukaram v. State AIR 1979 SC 185
Rafique v. State of UP (1980) 4 SCC 262
Tuka Ram v. State AIR 1979 SC 185
Balwant Singh v. State of Punjab 1987 Cri. LJ 971 (SC)
State of Karnataka v. Mehaboob 1987 Cri. LJ 940 (Karn.)
Imrat Lal v. State of MP 1987 Cri LJ 557 MP
Dilip v. State of MP 1987 Cri. LJ 212 MP
Gajanand v. State of Gujarat 1987 Cri. L.J. 374 (Guj)
Madan Lal v. State of Rajasthan 1987 Cri. LJ 257 (Rajasthan)
Kumudi Lal v. State of UP AIR 1999 SC 1699
Kuldeep Kumar Mahato v. State of Bihar AIR 1998 SC 2694
FAQs about Rape under the Indian Penal Code
How is rape defined under the IPC?

Rape is defined as having sexual intercourse with a woman under certain circumstances falling under six descriptions, including without her consent, against her will, with her consent obtained through fear of death or hurt, with her consent when the man knows he is not her husband, and when she is unable to understand the nature and consequences of her consent due to unsoundness of mind, intoxication, or stupefying substances. Rape also includes sexual intercourse with a woman under sixteen years of age, regardless of her consent.

What are the circumstances in which rape can occur under the IPC?

Rape can occur under the following circumstances: a) Against her will. b) Without her consent. c) With her consent obtained through fear of death or hurt. d) With her consent when the man knows he is not her husband and her consent is based on a mistaken belief in lawful marriage. e) With her consent when she is unable to understand the nature and consequences of her consent due to unsoundness of mind, intoxication, or stupefying substances. f) With or without her consent when she is under sixteen years of age.

Is the absence of injury on the accused’s genital organs a valid ground for innocence in a rape case?

No, the absence of injury on the accused’s genital organs is not a valid ground for innocence. Conviction can still be proper in a rape case based on other evidence and the victim’s statement.

Read also:- IPC Section 363A

IPC Section 375: Rape,IPC Section 375: Rape,IPC Section 375: Rape

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