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Hindu Law Through MCQs for PCS-J

Hindu Law Through MCQs

Hindu Law Through MCQs: Laiba Ma’am will comprehensively cover the major subject of Hindu Law as part of the Family Law module. This course is designed to address the syllabus requirements for UPPCSJ, BJS, and other state judicial services examinations that include Family Law in their curriculum.

Hindu Law Through MCQs

1. The children born out of a void Hindu Marriage are in the eye of law:

a). Illegitimate

b). Legitimate

c). Illegitimate, having no rights in ancestral property

d). Legitimate but having right of inheritance limited to their parent’s property only

2. Give correct Response A subsequent impotency i. e. impotency after the solemnization of marriage, the marriage is

a). Remains valid

b). Becomes void

c). Becomes voidable

d). None of these

3. A petition Under Section 12 of Hindu Marriage Act can be filed if:

a). The marriage is solemnized before the commencement of Act

b). The marriage is solemnized before or after the commencement of Act

c). The marriage is solemnized after the commencement of Act

d). The marriage is solemnized after 1956

4. A decree of Judicial separation:

(1) Dissolves the Matrimonial bond

(2) Does not dissolve the Matrimonial bond but merely suspends marital rights and obligations during the subsistence of the decree

(3) Mandates that the parties still continue to be husband and wife but not obliged to live together

(4) Provides that if the parties have not resumed co-habitation for a period of one year either party may seek divorce

a). (1), (2) and (4)

b). (1), (2), (3) and (4)

c). (1) and (4)

d). 2), (3) and (4)

5. Find out the correct statement(s) from the following:

(1) A void marriage remains valid until a decree annulling it has been passed by a competent Court.

(2) A void marriage is never a valid marriage and there is no necessary of a decree annulling it.

(3) A voidable marriage is regarded as a valid subsisting marriage until a decree annulling it has been passed by a competent Court.

a). (1) and (2) are correct

b). (2) and (3) are correct

c). Only (2) is correct

d). Only (3) is correct

e). All (1), (2) and (3) are correct

6. Under section 15 of Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 the divorced person, to marry again:

a). Have to wait for a period of one year from the date of the decree

b). Have to wait for a period of six months from the date of the decree

c). May marry immediately thereafter with the leave of the court

d). May marry immediately thereafter without the leave of the court and as a matter of right

7. A decree of divorce under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955. the status of the parties as married persons.

a). Does not terminate

b). Cannot terminate

c). Terminates

d). Partly terminate depending on circumstances

8. If, during the period of judicial separation, either spouse indulges in adultery, does it furnish a ground for divorce?

a). Yes

b). No

c). Not a ground

d). None of the above

9. Bar to entertain a petition for divorce is contained in

a). Section 14 of Hindu Marriage Act

b). Section 15 of Hindu Marriage Act

c). Section 19 of Hindu Marriage Act

d). Section 23 of Hindu Marriage Act

10. Give Correct Response. A married in 1947 in accordance with Hindu religious rites and ceremonies, can he file a petition for judicial separation now:

a). Hindu Marriage Act came into force in 1955, so petition is not maintainable

b). Petition is not maintainable as their marriage subsists more than 25 years

c). Petition is maintainable as it is immaterial, whether the marriage is solemnised before or after the commencement of the Act

d). Petition is not maintainable at all

Read more: Best Coaching in Uttar Pradesh for Lower Judiciary (UP PCS J) & Higher Judiciary (UP HJS)

11. Give Correct Response. The minimum age of Bride is

a). 18 years

b). 21 years

c). 15 years

d). 16 years

12. A decree for restitution of conjugal rights may be enforced:

a). By attachment of property

b). By injunction

c). By detention in civil prison

d). None of above

13. A marriage of a Hindu man with the biological sister of his adopted sister is:

a). Void

b). Valid

c). Voidable

d). Illegal

14. Under which Section of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, ‘judicial separation’ has been provided?

a). Section 9

b). Section 10

c). Section 11

d). Section 13

15. Which of the following Sections of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, provides that children of a void marriage would be the legitimate children?

a). Section 11

b). Section 16

c). Section 17

d). Section 18

16. Marriage of a Hindu male with the widow of his brother is:

a). Valid

b). Void

c). Voidable

d). Void unless protected by custom or usage

17. Section 29 of Hindu Marriage Act, 1955

a). Saves a custom which recognised divorce

b). Over-rides the custom which recognised divorce

c). Saves and over-rides both, the custom which recognised divorce depending on the fact & circumstances of the case

d). Gives a discretion to the court to D. recognise or not to recognise any such custom

18. Under Hindu law, if a minor marries without the consent of the parents /guardian, the marriage would be:

a). Invalid

b). Void

c). Valid

d). Both (a) and (b)

19. Under Hindu law where the husband creates a condition in which the wife is compelled to leave the conjugal home and live separately

a). The husband may sue for divorce

b). The wife will be held guilty of desertion

c). The marriage is irretrievably broken down

d). The husband is guilty of constructive desertion

20. When a marriage has been dissolved by a decree of divorce under Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 and there is a right of appeal, the divorced persons may marry again:

a). After expiry of 1 month from the decree of divorce

b). Immediately after passing of the decree of divorce

c). After expiry of 2 months from the decree of divorce

d). After expiry of the time for appealing, without any appeal having been presented

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21. X, a Hindu Boy, aged 16 years, married Y, a Hindu Girl aged 13 years, by exchange of garlands, subsequently, it was revealed to Y that X is impotent, Y leaves X and married M:

a). Y cannot be punished for bigamy

b). Y cannot be punished for bigamy as the first marriage was void on account of lack of performance of ceremonies of marriage

c). Both (A) and (B)

d). All the above are correct

22. Insanity is a ground for

a). Getting the marriage annulled as voidable

b). Judicial separation

c). Divorce

d). All the above

23. Any marriage solemnized in contravention of the condition specified in clause (1) of Section 5 of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 shall be

a). Voidable

b). Null and void

c). Irregular

d). Valid

24. As per Hindu Marriage Act, sapinda relationship extends to:

a). The third generation (inclusive) in the line of ascent through the mother, and the fifth (inclusive) in the line of ascent through father.

b). The third generation (exclusive) in the line of ascent through the mother, and the fifth (exclusive) in the line of ascent through father.

c). The five generations in the line of ascent through the mother, and seven in the line of ascent through father.

d). All blood relatives related through male blood relatives.

25. Which of the following is a ceremony, without the performance of which, a Hindu marriage is considered null and void?

a). Kattyailan

b). Saptapadi

c). Bindoor-daan

d). None of the above

26. In case of judicial separation….

  1. The marital tie is severed by a judicial order
  2. The marital obligations and rights are suspended
  3. The husband has to pay maintenance to the wife
  4. They can re-unite after getting the order rescinded

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

a). 1, 2, 3 and 4 only

b). None of these

c). 2, 3 and 4 only

d). 1, 2 and 3 only

27. Desertion is constituted when

a). There is a factum of separation

b). There is animus deserdendi

c). Either (A) or (B) exists

d). Both (A) and (B) co-exist

28. Section 7 of Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 provides for

a). Conditions of marriage

b). Capacity to marry

c). Ceremonies of marriage

d). All the above

29. Section 16 of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 deals with the legitimacy of children of

a). Voidable marriage only

b). Both Void and voidable marriages

c). Void marriage only

d). Valid marriage only

30. Give Correct Response. The minimum age of Bridegroom prescribed under Section 5 is:

a). 18 years

b). 21 years

c). 15 years

d). 16 years

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31. Fine prescribed under Section 18 of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 for child marriage has been enhanced by the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006 from one thousand rupees to:

a). Ten thousand rupees

b). Fifteen thousand rupees

c). Fifty thousand rupees

d). One lakh rupees

32. Under which of the following laws is the remedy of restitution of conjugal rights not available?

a). Hindu Marriage Act, 1955

b). Indian Christian Marriage Act, 1872

c). Parsi Marriage and Divorce Act, 1936

d). Special Marriage Act, 1954

33. Marriage of two Hindus can be solemnised under

a). Hindu Marriage Act, 1955

b). Special Marriage Act, 1954

c). Either (A) or (B)

d). Only (A) and not (B)

34. Doctrine of ‘factum valet’ in the context of ceremonies of marriage cures

a). Non-observance of necessary ceremonies

b). Non-observance of essential ceremonies.

c). Both (A) or (B)

d). Either (A) and not (B)

35. According to the decision in Rita Mago v. V. P. Mago, AIR 1977 Delhi 176, an order for interim maintenance & expenses under section 24 of Hindu Marriage Act can be passed

a). During the pendency of the proceedings only

b). After the conclusion of trial & passing of the decree

c). Both (A) and (B) are correct

d). Either (A) and not (B)

36. A marriage solemnised between any two Hindus in violation of section 5(iii) of Hindu Marriage Act as to the requirement of age, shall be

a). Valid

b). Invalid

c). Voidable

d). Void

37. The children of a void marriage under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 are-

a). Legitimate and entitled to inherit property of all relatives

b). Legitimate but entitled to inherit the property of their parents only

c). Illegitimate and entitled to inherit the property of their mother only

d). Illegitimate and entitled to inherit the property of their father only

38. Before filing a petition for divorce by mutual consent, the parties must be living separately for a period of

a). Six months or more

b). One year or more

c). Eighteen months or more

d). Two years or more

39. Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 under section 10, provides for

a). Separation by agreement

b). Judicial separation

c). Both separation by agreement and judicial separation

d). Either (A) or (B)

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