The continent of Africa ranks second next only to Asia in terms of size by occupying 20 per cent of the total land area. Its physiographic features consist of the mightiest rivers, greatest deserts and some well-known waterfalls. The entire continent appears like a huge plateau. One of the characteristic features of African landscape is the absence of elongated parallel ranges of continental dimensions such as Andes and Himalayas. Mount Atlas in the northwest and Drakensberg in the south-east are notable ranges. The towering mountain Kilimanjaro with snow capped peaks all year around. The Kalahari and Sahara desert also run alongside the mountain. Besides, Nile and Zaire rivers, there are so many rivers and waterfalls which have boosted up the hydroelectricity generation in the continent in which it occupies next position after Asia.
Climate and Vegetation
It is the most tropical continent and the average temperature remains high throughout the year. Its equatorial belt has only one climate that is hot and humid with the least diurnal and annual range of temperature. The convectional type of rainfall occurs in the late afternoon which is also called 4’o clock rains. The equatorial rain forest of Africa is also called gallery forest. Some of the well-known species such as Mahogany, Rosewood and Ebony are found in this type of forest. The entire Savanna region is prevalent in the southern and northern side where the summer season is very warm and winter is warm. It is also known as the Sudan type of climate. This region has some of the largest wild animals thus called ‘The Big Game Country‘.

The Mediterranean Climatic Region
This type of climate is prevalent in southwestern part of S. Africa and the bordering areas of Mediterranean Sea in northern Africa. The entire region experiences warm dry summers because of offshore trade winds and cool moist winters because of onshore westerlies. A prominent feature of this region is the prevalence of local winds such as Sirocco and Khamsin. The vegetation is distinguish by shunted trees and xerophytic adaptation. Some of the important trees are: cork, oak, figs and olives. This region is also famous for the cultivation of citrus fruits and is famous as ‘Orchards of the World’.
Temperate Grassland
This region covers the areas between Drakensberg and the Kalahari and is further subdivided into a more tropical Bush – veldt and the temperate High-veldt. Parts of east Africa and Madagascar are under the influence of onshore trade winds all the year round and experiences evenly distributed rainfall which is known as the Tropical Marine Climate Region. This region is also rich for the cultivation of cloves, spices and Coconuts.
The China Type of Climate
It is found in the south-eastern part of South Africa. The narrowness of the continent, maritime influences and onshore trade winds bring about a uniform distribution of rains and a small annual range of temperature. The natural vegetation includes the broad leaved deciduous forests on the low lands and coniferous on the highlands. The trees like bamboo, palm, wattle, etc. are more suitable for the climate. Besides, Mangrove is found along the Gulf of Guinea and Montane vegetation on the highlands of Ethiopia, Tanzania and Kenya.
Social Features Social
Africa is famous for the diverse races and tribes. The Hausa of Nigeria are agriculturalists, the Masais of East Africa are pastoralists while the Pygmies of Congo are hunters and food gatherers. There is a plethora of tribal language spoken in sub-Saharan Africa. Here, nearly 10,000 languages of the world are being spoken, but Swahili, the lingua franca, is understood by most. The Afro Asiatic family of language and the Arabic language dominates in Saharan Africa.

Tribes | Regions |
Masai | East Africa |
Pygmies | Congo Basin |
Hottentots | Kalahari |
Bushman | Kalahari |
Fulani | Western Africa |
Tuaregs | Sahara Deserts |
Bantus | Central and Southern Africa |
Berbers | Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia |
Hausas | Western Africa |
- The average population density is very low. Nile delta is the high density area accompanied by the Mediterranean regions in the north and the south.
- 750 million people inhabit the continent. As far as religion is concerned, Saharan Africa is predomiantly Islamic while sub-Saharan Africa is Christian and animistic.
- The African transition zone which marks a zone of conflict between the followers of Islam and Christianity provides a key to understanding the civil war prevalent in this zone.
- After the industrial revolution, Africa has developed as an exporter of primary commodities.
- In the present century, Africa has made a grand departure in the field of biotechnology because it is a huge resource of biodiversity.
- The vast stretching area of Savanna Grassland has enough potential to grow food for the rapidly increasing population. Now the continent is rapidly developing in various spheres such as Science and Technology, quality of life, agriculture, economy, etc.
- Thus, it would be very apt to entitle the continent as the Continent of Hope or ‘Rising star‘.
Suez Canal
The Suez Canal is one of the world’s most important waterways. Opened in 1869, the sea level artificial waterway crosses the narrow Isthmus of Suez, joining Africa and Asia and permits ocean going vessels to travel between the Arabian Sea and the Mediterranean Sea via the Gulf of Suez and the Red Sea. The canal is own and run by Egypt, and separates the main part of that country on the west bank from the Sinai Peninsula on the east bank.
The northern terminus of the canal is ‘Port Said’. Southward, the canal continues in a straight line through Manzala and Timshah lakes and Ismailia where the administrative headquarters of the canal is located. Further south the canal passes through the Great and Little Bear lakes (now a single lake) and then passes through the city of Suez.
Important Statistics
S. No | Minerals of Africa | Leading Producers |
1. | Gold | South Africa |
2. | Petroleum | Nigeria |
3. | Iron ore | South Africa |
4. | Diamond | Zaire |
5. | Manganese | South Africa |
6. | Phosphate | Morocco |
7. | Tungsten | Zaire |
8. | Bauxite | Guinea |
9. | Copper | Zaire |
10. | Platinum | South Africa |
11. | Chromium | South Africa |
12. | Vanadium | South Africa |
13. | Antimony | South Africa |
S. No | Old Name | New Name |
1. | Zaire | Democratic Republic of Congo |
2. | Katanga | Shaba |
3. | Elizabethville | Lubumbashi |
4. | Gold Coast | Ghana |
5. | South -West Africa | Namibia |
6. | Leopoldville | Kinshasa |
7. | South Rhodesia | Zimbabwe |
8. | North Rhodesia | Zambia |
9. | Nyasaland | Malawi |
10. | Stanleyville | Kisangani |
S. No | Mines | Minerals |
1. | Kimberley | Diamonds |
2. | Lubumbashi | Copper |
3. | Wankie | Coal |
4. | Witwatersrand | Gold |
5. | Katanga | Copper & Cobalt |
6. | Kasai Province | Bort Diamond |
S. No | Agricultural Product | Leading Producer |
1. | Rubber | Liberia |
2. | Tea | Kenya |
3. | Coffee | Liberia |
4. | Oil palm | Nigeria |
5. | Cocoa | Ghana |
6. | Cloves | Zanzibar |
7. | Sisal | Tanzania |
8. | Wool | S. Africa |
9. | Maize | S. Africa |
10. | Cotton | Egypt |
11. | Wheat | S. Africa |
Points to Remember About Africa
- Sirocco is a type of hot wind blowing from Sahara to Mediterranean.
- Swahili is the oldest surviving African language.
- The country Zaire has the maximum Hydroelectric Power potential in Africa.
- The country Djibouti is facing the Strait of Bab-el-Mandeb.
- Dar-es-Salam is the easternmost terminus of Tanjara railways which begins from Katanga mineral belt.
- Ostrich is the flightless bird of Kalahari Desert.
- Ethiopia is the place of origin of coffee.
- Pretoria is the administrative capital of S. Africa.
- Nilots are the aborigines of upper Nile.
- River Zaire is the only river that crosses the equator twice.
- Nubian desert lies in Egypt.
- The countries Ethiopia and Somalia form the Horn of Africa.
- High Veld is the temperate grassland of South Africa.
- Africa is the most tropical of all continents.
- Most part of Kalahari Desert lies in Botswana.
- The Farmers of the Egypt are also called Fellahin.
- Gibraltar, Suez and Bab-el-Mandeb are three points where Africa almost touches Eurasia.
- Cape of Agulhas is the southernmost tip of Africa.
- Mt Kilimanjaro is the highest peak in Africa.
- Teff is the highly nutritious crop of Ethiopian high lands.
- Bab-el-Mandeb is also famous as Gate of Tears.
- Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda are the bordering countries of Lake Victoria.
- Khartoum is the city at the confluence of the Blue and the White Nile.
- Al-Aziziya of Libya is the hottest place in the world.
- Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia are the three Maghreb Republics.
- Tana is the source of Blue Nile while Victoria is the source of White Nile.
- The ‘Great Bitter’ and Little Lake are along the Suez Canal.
- Zaire is a large geographically disadvantage state.
- Lake Assal, Djibouti is the lowest point in Africa.
- Tuaregs is the nomadic herders of Sahara.
- The Lake Victoria in East Africa is not laying in the Great Rift Valley.
- Lake Chad is the region of inland drainage.
- Cape Town is the seat of legislature of S. Africa.
- The Rain Forest is the natural region with greatest biodiversity.
- The South African farmer of Dutch descent are known as Boer.
- Lourenco Marques is renamed as Maputo.
- A new country Eritrea was carved out of Ethiopia during 1990s.
- River Orange is a boundary between S. Africa and Namibia.
- Masai is the pastoral tribe of Kenya.
- In Africa, the best quality iron-ore (magnetite) is found in Liberia.
- Witwatersrand is famous for Gold.
- Kimberly is famous for diamond.
- Victoria Falls is a discovery by Livingstone.
- The countries Ethiopia and Liberia of Africa were never colonized.
- Victoria Falls is on river Zambezi.
- Victoria Falls is the largest water falls in the world.
- Akosombo dam is on the river Volta.
- River Limpopo is the boundary between the South Africa and Botswana.
- Lake Nasser is on River Nile.
- Harmattan is hot local wind blowing form Sahara to Guinea Coast.
- Abuja and Dodoma is the new capital of Nigeria and Tanzania.
- South Africa is the island of Gold and Diamonds.
- Four largest countries in decreasing order of area are Sudan – Algeria – Zaire – and Libya.
- Nigeria is the land of oil palm.
Read Also: SOUTH WEST ASIA Landscape, Population, Climate and Resources
Read more: Mediterranean coast, Asia, India, world geography upsc, Africa, South Africa, Suez canal