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Aurangzeb-The Mughal Emperor

Aurangzeb The Mughal Empire


Aurangzeb (1618-1707) was the sixth Mughal emperor of India, reigning from 1658 to 1707. Known for his strict adherence to Islamic orthodoxy, Aurangzeb, the Mughal Emperor, expanded the empire to its greatest territorial extent but faced challenges due to his oppressive policies and religious intolerance. His reign is often associated with increased centralization, economic hardships, and the decline of the Mughal Empire. Aurangzeb-The Mughal Emperor’s controversial rule has left a complex legacy, with debates on his impact on Indian history and the empire’s decline.

Early Life of Aurangzeb:

Aurangzeb Alamgir, born on October 24, 1618, was the third son of Emperor Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal. His given name was Muhi-ud-Din Muhammad, but he later took the title Aurangzeb Alamgir. Growing up in the opulent surroundings of the Mughal court, Aurangzeb received a well-rounded education in languages, literature, theology, and military matters. Despite being part of a royal family, he faced intense competition for the throne among his siblings. His early experiences shaped his personality, and he developed a disciplined and ascetic lifestyle that would influence his rule as the Mughal emperor.

Aurangzeb-The Mughal Emperor Rule:

Aurangzeb-The Mughal Emperor’s rule, which lasted from 1658 to 1707, was marked by significant political, religious, and economic changes in the Mughal Empire. Here are key aspects of Aurangzeb’s rule:

  1. Economic Policies: Aurangzeb Alamgir pursued a frugal lifestyle himself and implemented austere economic policies. He abolished the luxurious practices of the court, including the patronage of arts and culture. He also increased taxes, contributing to economic hardships for the people.
  2. Expansion of the Empire: He conquered the Deccan region in the south but faced persistent resistance from regional powers.
  3. Administrative Changes: Aurangzeb-The Mughal Emperor centralized the administration, aiming for more direct control over the empire. He reduced the power of regional governors and increased state intervention in various matters.
  4. Persecution of Hindus: Aurangzeb’s reign is often criticized for its religious intolerance, particularly towards Hindus. He imposed taxes on non-Muslims, destroyed Hindu temples, and persecuted religious practices that he deemed contrary to Islamic principles.
  5. Military Campaigns: Aurangzeb-The Mughal Emperor engaged in numerous military campaigns to suppress rebellions and expand the empire. However, these campaigns stretched the imperial resources, contributing to financial strain.

Aurangzeb’s rule remains a subject of historical debate, with opinions on his legacy varying. While some view him as a capable administrator and military strategist, others criticize his policies for contributing to the decline of the Mughal Empire.

Tenure As Governor & Early Military Compaigns:

Before ascending to the Mughal throne, Aurangzeb served as the governor of several provinces, gaining valuable administrative and military experience. Here is a brief overview of his tenure as governor and early military campaigns:

  1. Governor of Deccan (1636-1645): Aurangzeb’s first major administrative assignment was as the governor of the Deccan region. During this period, he exhibited strong administrative skills and initiated military campaigns to expand Mughal influence in the south.
  2. Governor of Gujarat (1645-1647): Aurangzeb-The Mughal Emperor served as the governor of Gujarat, where he continued to demonstrate his administrative capabilities. His governance in Gujarat earned him a reputation for fiscal prudence and effective administration.
  3. Governor of Multan (1647-1652): His appointment as the governor of Multan further showcased Aurangzeb’s ability to manage diverse regions within the Mughal Empire.
  4. Military Campaigns in the Deccan: Even before becoming the emperor, Aurangzeb conducted military campaigns in the Deccan region to subdue local rulers and expand Mughal territories. These campaigns laid the groundwork for his later conquests in the Deccan as the emperor.

Aurangzeb’s experiences as a governor and his early military campaigns provided him with the skills and knowledge necessary to navigate the complexities of the Mughal Empire. These experiences would shape his approach to governance and military strategy during his long and eventful reign as the emperor.

Religious Policies Of Aurangzeb:

During his reign as the Mughal emperor (1658-1707), Aurangzeb characterized his religious policies with a shift towards conservative Sunni Islam and a departure from the religious tolerance practiced by some of his predecessors. Here is a brief overview of his religious policies:

  1. Islamic Orthodoxy: He sought to uphold Islamic law and promote religious practices in accordance with Sunni traditions.
  2. Taxation on Non-Muslims:Aurangzeb imposed higher taxes on non-Muslims, including the jizya (a poll tax), which his predecessors had abolished. This policy was perceived as a departure from the relatively tolerant religious taxation practices of earlier Mughal rulers.
  3. Enforcement of Islamic Law: Aurangzeb worked towards the implementation of Sharia (Islamic law) in various aspects of governance. He sought to align the legal system with Islamic principles and norms.
  4. Censorship of Art and Culture: Aurangzeb discouraged the patronage of arts and culture, viewing such practices as inconsistent with Islamic principles of simplicity and frugality. This marked a departure from the grand cultural traditions established by his predecessors.
  5. Ban on Music and Entertainment: Aurangzeb imposed restrictions on music and other forms of entertainment, considering them as un-Islamic. This cultural censorship reflected his austere personal lifestyle and his desire to promote a more puritanical form of Islam.

Expansion Of Aurangzeb:

Aurangzeb’s expansionist efforts during his rule (1658-1707) significantly increased the territorial expanse of the Mughal Empire. Key points regarding his expansion include:

  1. Conquest of the Deccan: Aurangzeb Alamgir conducted extensive military campaigns in the Deccan region, ultimately bringing Bijapur and Golconda under Mughal control. This expansion added substantial territories in southern India to the empire.
  2. Annexation of Golconda (1687): The capture of Golconda in 1687 marked a major triumph for Aurangzeb, consolidating Mughal influence over the entire Deccan Peninsula.
  3. Control over Bijapur (1686): Aurangzeb-The Mughal Emperor’s successful military campaigns in the Deccan culminated in the annexation of Bijapur in 1686, further extending Mughal dominance in the region.
  4. Expansion in the Northwest: Aurangzeb Alamgir also maintained control over the northwestern frontier, including regions in present-day Afghanistan and parts of Central Asia, consolidating the empire’s borders.
  5. Conflict in the Northeast: While the Mughals faced challenges from the Ahom Kingdom in Assam, Aurangzeb was unable to fully subjugate the region, and the northeastern frontiers remained a source of occasional conflict.

Art, Culture, & Architecture Of Aurangzeb:

Aurangzeb’s reign (1658-1707) is characterized by a departure from the opulent art, culture, and architecture associated with earlier Mughal rulers. His policies reflected a more austere and puritanical approach:

  1. Cultural Austerity: Aurangzeb Alamgir rejected the extravagant lifestyle and cultural patronage of his predecessors. He embraced a simple and frugal lifestyle, discouraging the grandeur and excesses that were prevalent in Mughal courts.
  2. Restrictions on Art and Entertainment: Aurangzeb Alamgir imposed strict censorship on artistic and cultural activities. Aurangzeb discouraged or banned music, dance, and other forms of entertainment, considering them contrary to Islamic principles of simplicity.
  3. Patronage of Religious Architecture: While discouraging secular art, Aurangzeb continued to support the construction of religious buildings. .
  4. Destruction of Temples: Aurangzeb Alamgir ordered the destruction of Hindu temples, particularly in the Deccan region. This policy was part of his efforts to promote Sunni Islam and suppress other religious practices.
  5. Agricultural and Economic Focus: Aurangzeb Alamgir prioritized practical concerns over cultural and artistic pursuits.

Overall, Aurangzeb’s policies had a profound impact on the cultural landscape of the Mughal Empire, marking a departure from the artistic and cultural efflorescence of the previous era. The austere tone set by Aurangzeb contributed to a decline in the imperial patronage of the arts and a shift in cultural priorities.

Legacy And Death:

Legacy of Aurangzeb:

  1. Religious Divide: Aurangzeb-The Mughal Emperor’s policies deepened religious divisions within the empire, particularly between Hindus and Muslims. His intolerance and discriminatory measures against non-Muslims contributed to social and religious tensions.
  2. Economic Challenges: The increased taxation and militarization during Aurangzeb’s reign strained the economy, leading to financial difficulties. This economic strain played a role in the subsequent decline of the Mughal Empire.
  3. Territorial Expansion: While Aurangzeb Alamgir expanded the empire’s territorial reach, the prolonged military campaigns weakened the imperial infrastructure and contributed to governance challenges.

Death (1707):

Aurangzeb Alamgir died on March 3, 1707, in Ahmadnagar, marking the end of a nearly 50-year reign. His death triggered a series of conflicts among his sons for succession, further destabilizing the empire.

Historical Assessment:

Aurangzeb-The Mughal Emperor’s legacy is complex and controversial. While some view him as a capable administrator and military strategist, others criticize his religious intolerance and economic policies for contributing to the decline of the Mughal Empire. The period following his death saw a series of conflicts among his successors, ultimately leading to the fragmentation and weakening of the once-mighty Mughal Empire.


In conclusion, Aurangzeb-The Mughal Emperor’s reign from 1658 to 1707 left a lasting impact on the Mughal Empire. Known for his strict adherence to Sunni Islam and austere policies, Aurangzeb expanded the empire territorially but faced challenges such as economic strain and social and religious tensions. His legacy is marked by a decline in cultural patronage, increased religious divide, and a weakened imperial infrastructure. The controversies surrounding his rule have sparked historical debates, with assessments varying between recognizing his administrative prowess and criticizing the factors contributing to the subsequent decline of the Mughal Empire.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q1. What was Aurangzeb known for?

Ans1. Aurangzeb is known for being the emperor of India from 1658 to 1707. He was the last of the great Mughal emperors. Under him the Mughal Empire reached its greatest extent, although his policies helped lead to its dissolution.

Q2. Who ruled after Aurangzeb died?

Ans2. After the death of Aurangzeb in c. 1707 CE, a war of succession broke out among his three sons – Muazzam (the governor of Kabul), Muhammad Kam Baksh (the governor of Deccan) and Muhammad Azam Shah (the governor of Gujarat). Muazzam emerged victorious and ascended the throne with the title of Bahadur Shah Ⅰ.

Q3. Did Aurangzeb defeated Maratha?

Ans3. By 1704, Aurangzeb conquered Torana, Rajgad and some other handful forts mostly by bribing Maratha commanders, but he had spent four precious years for this. It was slowly dawning to him that after 24 years of constant war, he was not succeeded to annex the Maratha State.

Read Also: The decline of the Mughal Empire

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