INSPIRE Scholarships: The Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research (INSPIRE) stands out as an incredible initiative backed and guided by the Department of Science & Technology. Its primary aim is to ignite a passion for science among young hearts and minds. INSPIRE aims to kindle a genuine love for exploring the marvels of science from an early age. Through this endeavor, INSPIRE aims to cultivate a diverse array of gifted individuals, crucial for propelling and enriching the nation’s scientific and technological horizons.
- The strength of a nation’s innovation infrastructure is crucial for competing in the global arena of emerging knowledge economies. Vision 2020 highlights the need for proactive measures and a well-structured innovation framework.
- Building and nurturing a skilled workforce capable of grasping and advancing fundamental principles in science is fundamental to this infrastructure. India requires a tailored approach to attract individuals with a passion for research and innovation in Basic & Natural sciences.
- INSPIRE, an innovative effort led by the Department of Science & Technology, seeks to captivate young minds with the marvels of science from an early stage. Its mission is twofold: to nurture a diverse pool of talent and to strengthen the nation’s scientific and technological prowess for the future.
INSPIRE has three components
- Scheme for Early Attraction of Talent (SEATS)
- Scholarship for Higher Education (SHE)
- Assured Opportunity for Research Careers (AORC)
Scheme for Early Attraction of Talent (SEATS)
- The Scheme for Early Attraction of Talent (SEATS) is designed to draw in gifted young people to pursue studies in science. It offers the INSPIRE Award, a prize of Rs.5,000/-, to one million bright learners aged between 10 to 15 years.
- SEATS organizes annual Summer and Winter Camps across over 100 locations, welcoming around 50,000 young participants.
- Through the INSPIRE Internship program, participants get the chance to experience the thrill of innovation and scientific exploration firsthand. It’s a fantastic opportunity for talented youth to engage with and learn from renowned scientists and thinkers.
Scholarship for Higher Education (SHE)
- The Scholarship for Higher Education (SHE) aims to attract talented young individuals aged 17-22 to pursue higher education in science-intensive programs. It offers scholarships and mentorship opportunities through ‘summer attachments’ with performing researchers.
- Every year, the scheme provides 10,000 scholarships valued at Rs 0.80 lakh per year to support students pursuing Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Natural and Basic sciences.
- The scholarship program supports 18 different science subjects, such as Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, Statistics, Geology, Astrophysics, Astronomy, Electronics, Botany, Zoology, Biochemistry, Anthropology, Microbiology, Geophysics, Geochemistry, Atmospheric Sciences, and Oceanic Sciences. You can pursue these subjects as majors, honors, or in combinations within BSc, Integrated MSc, or Integrated MS courses.
Assured Opportunity for Research Careers
- Assured Opportunity for Research Careers (AORC) is all about bringing in, keeping, and supporting talented young scientists. It offers doctoral INSPIRE Fellowships for people aged 22 to 27 in various fields like Basic and Applied sciences, engineering, and medicine.
- AORC also wants to make sure there are opportunities for post-doctoral researchers. They have a program similar to the New Blood program of the Royal Society of UK. This program offers both contractual and tenure track positions for five years. These positions are available in areas like Basic and Applied sciences. They’re part of the INSPIRE Faculty Scheme.
INSPIRE Faculty Scheme
The INSPIRE Faculty Scheme creates a promising path called ‘Assured Opportunity for Research Career (AORC) tailored for young researchers aged 27 to 32. Its aim is to boost the pool of talented scientific minds in academic and research institutions. For these budding scholars, it’s a chance to carve out their scientific identities and eventually become leaders in the field.
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