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Delhi Judicial Services Exam (DJSE) | Syllabus

Delhi Judicial Service Examination Structure
DJSE Examination is conducted in two successive stages

(A) Preliminary Examination

(B) Main Examination

Preliminary Examination:

Preliminary Examination being a screening test, consists of one paper of multiple choice type questions carrying maximum of 200 marks with 25% negative marking to test general knowledge and aptitude of the candidate, power of expression, flare in English, knowledge of objective type legal problems and their solutions covering-

  • Constitution of India
  • Indian Penal Code
  • Criminal Procedure Code
  • Civil Procedure Code
  • Indian Contract Act
  • Indian Partnership Act
  • Arbitration Law
  • Indian Evidence Act
  • Specific Relief Act
  • Indian Limitation Act etc.


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Main Examination

The main examination shall include the following subjects-

(1) Essay and General Knowledge (150 marks)

This paper is designed to test the candidate’s knowledge of current affairs and power to express in English. Credit shall be given both for substance and expression. Conversely, deduction will be made for bad expression, fault of grammer and misuse of words etc.

(2) Language (100 marks)

There will be one paper in two parts. The first part would contain a passage to be translated from English to Hindi (in Devnagri script). In the second part a passage in Hindi (in Devnagri script) shall be required to be translated into English. Each part carries 50 marks.

(3) Civil Law- I (200 marks)
  •  Indian Contract Act
  • Indian Sales of Goods Act
  • Indian Partnership Act
  • Specific Relief Act
  • Delhi Rent Control Act
  • Hindu Law
  • Mohammadan law
  • Law of Torts
(4) Civil law- II (200 marks)
  • Civil Procedure Code
  • Law of Evidence
  • Law of Limitation
  • Law of Registration
(5) Criminal Law (200 marks)
  • Indian Penal Code
  • Criminal Procedure Code
  • Indian Evidence Act
Viva-Voce (100 marks):

Marks obtained in the viva voce will be added to the marks obtained in the main examination (written) and the candidate’s position will depend on the aggregate of both. Marks obtained in the preliminary examination will not be counted for determining final order of merit.


(1) Minimum qualifying marks shall be 60% for General candidate and 55% for SC/ ST candidates for being selected in the Main Examination.

(2) Only such candidates who have obtained 40% (SC/ ST 35%) marks in each written paper and 50% (SC/ ST 45%) marks in the aggregate will be called for Viva-Voce.

(3) The marks obtained in the Interview will be added to the marks obtained in the written papers and the candidate place will depend on the aggregate of both.

(4) Suitability of candidates for employment in DJS will be tested with reference to his merit giving due regard to his ability, character, personality and physique.

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Delhi Judicial Service Civil Judge Exam is held in three successive stages

Eligibility and Age Limit – Delhi Judicial Service Exam – DJS Exam

Syllabus for the Delhi Judicial Service DJS Civil Judge Preliminary Exam

Syllabus for the Delhi Judicial Service Civil Judge Main Exam

1 – General Knowledge and Language : 100 + 150 Marks

2 – Civil Law-I : 200 Marks

3 – Civil Law-II : 200 Marks

4 – Criminal Law : 200 Marks

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Viva Voce (Personal Interview / Personality Assessment)

The Delhi Judicial Service DJS Exam is conducted every year by the Delhi High Court for selection to the posts of Civil Judge Junior Division or equivalent. The notification is published on the High Court’s official website at : and / or the website of the state’s public service commission (If the exam is conducted by the PSC) at Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board

Delhi Judicial Service Civil Judge Exam is held in three successive stages

(i) Preliminary Examination (Objective Type with 25% negative marking) for selection for the Main Examination

(ii) Delhi Judicial Service Main Examination (Written) for selection of candidates for calling for Viva voce

(iii) The Viva-voce exam (Personal Interview & Personality Test)

Eligibility and Age Limit – Delhi Judicial Service Exam – DJS Exam

Basic Eligibility

(a) Must be a citizen of India;

(b) Candidate must be practicing as an Advocate in India or a person qualified to be admitted as an Advocate under the Advocates Act, 1961.

Age limits

(a) Not more than 32 years of age as on the specific date mentioned in the official exam advertisement for the year.

In the case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes / Tribes, the upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years. The upper age limit is also relaxable maximum by 5 years in the case of Ex-Servicemen who have rendered at least 5 years military service . Refer to the official advertisement of the year for details of allowable relaxations for various categories of applicants.

Syllabus for the Delhi Judicial Service DJS Civil Judge Preliminary Exam

The Preliminary Examination will be a Screening Test and will consist of one paper of multiple objective type questions (MCQs) carrying maximum of 200 marks.

In the Preliminary Examination, the questions will be around the general knowledge and aptitude of the candidate, candidate’s power of expression, flair in English, knowledge of objective type legal problems and their solutions.

The topics will cover :

  • Constitution of India,
  • Code of Civil Procedure,
  • Criminal Procedure Code,
  • Indian Penal Code,
  • Contract Act,
  • Partnership Act,
  • Arbitration Law,
  • Evidence Act,
  • Specific Relief Act
  • Limitation Act

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The minimum qualifying marks in the Preliminary Examination will be 60% for General and 55% for Reserved Categories i.e. Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and PH (Blind/Low Vision) / OH/hearing impaired).

The number of candidates to be admitted to the Main Examination (Written) will not be more than Ten times the total number of vacancies of each category advertised.

The marks obtained in the Preliminary Examination by the candidates who are declared qualified for admission to the Main Examination (Written) will not be counted for determining their final order of merit.

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Syllabus for the Delhi Judicial Service Civil Judge Main Exam

The Main Examination (Written , descriptive or essay type) will include the following subjects :

Subject – Max Marks

1 – General Knowledge and Language – 250 marks

2 – Civil Law-I – 200 Marks

3 – Civil Law-II – 200 Marks

4 – Criminal Law – 200 Marks

1 – General Knowledge and Language : 100 + 150 Marks

This paper will comprise two sections.

Section I : General Knowledge : This is to test the candidate’s knowledge of current affairs etc. I.e. Current legal topics in the news, Static and dynamic GK (100 Marks)

Section II : Language (Essay, Translation and Precis Writing) : This is to test the candidate’s knowledge and power of expression in English.

Credit will be given both for substance and expression. There will also be a type of negative marking, wherein, deduction of marks will be made for bad expression, faults of grammar and misuse of words etc.

There will be two passages for translation, one in English – to be translated into Hindi (in Devnagri Script). One in Hindi (in Devnagri Script) – to be translated into English. (150 marks)

2 – Civil Law-I : 200 Marks

Essay type questions for from the following topics :

  • Indian Contract Act,
  • Indian Sale of Goods Act,
  • Indian Partnership Act,
  • Specific Relief Act,
  • Hindu Law,
  • Mohammedan Law,
  • Delhi Rent Control Act
  • Law of Torts.
3 – Civil Law-II : 200 Marks
  • Civil Procedure Code,
  • Law of Evidence,
  • Law of Limitation
  • Law of Registration.
4 – Criminal Law : 200 Marks
  • Criminal Procedure Code,
  • Indian Penal Code
  • Indian Evidence Act.
Viva Voce (Personal Interview / Personality Assessment)

1 – Viva voce will carry 150 marks. Only such candidates will be called for Viva voce who have obtained 40% marks in each written paper and 50% marks in the aggregate except in the case of candidates belonging to reserved categories i.e. Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and PH (Blind/Low Vision) /OH/hearing Impaired) in whose case the qualifying marks will be 35% in each written paper and 45% in the aggregate.

2 – A candidate of General Category must secure minimum 50% marks and a candidate of Reserved Category i.e. SCs, STs and PH (Blind/Low Vision) / OH /hearing impaired) must secure minimum 45% marks in Viva voce to be eligible for being recommended for appointment to the service.

3 – The marks obtained in the Viva voce will be added to the marks obtained in the Main Examination (Written) and the Candidate’s position will depend on the aggregate of both.

Refer to the current year’s official advertisement for complete details and instructions as applicable.

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Delhi Judicial Services Notification for 2023 is out now

For more details about Syllabus, Eligibility, Exam Pattern

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