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UPSC Previous Year (Mains) Paper With Solution Subject Wise



1. How does Indian society maintain continuity in traditional social values? Enumerate the changes taking place in it.

2. Has caste lost its relevance in understanding the multi-cultural Indian society? Elaborate your answer with illustrations.

3. What are the main socio-economic implications arising out of the development of IT industries in major cities of India?

4. Discuss the main objectives of Population Education and point out the measures to achieve them in India in detail.


1. Are we losing our local identity for the global identity? Discuss

2. Empowering women is the key to control population growth”. Discuss

3. What are the continued challenges for women in India against time and space?.

4. What makes Indian society unique in sustaining its culture? Discuss

5. What are the challenges to our cultural practices in the name of secularism?

6. Do we have cultural pockets of small India all over the nation? Elaborate with examples.


7. ‘Women’s movement in India has not addressed the issues of women of lower social strata.’ Substantiate your view.

8. ‘Globalization is generally said to promote cultural homogenization but due to this cultural specificities appear to be strengthened in the Indian Society.’ Elucidate.

9. ‘Communalism arises either due to power struggle or relative deprivation’. Argue by giving suitable illustrations.

10. “Caste system is assuming new identities and associational forms. Hence the caste system cannot be eradicated in India.” Comment.

11. ‘Despite the implementation of various programmes for eradication of poverty by the government in India, poverty is still existing’. Explain by giving reasons.

12. How the Indian concept of secularism is different from the western model of secularism? Discuss.


13. The spirit of tolerance and love is not only an interesting feature of Indian society from very early times, but it is also playing an important part at the present. Elaborate.

14. Distinguish between religiousness/religiosity and communalism giving one example of how the former has got transformed into the latter in independent India.

15. In the context of the diversity of India, can it be said that the regions form cultural units rather than the States? Give reasons with examples for your viewpoint.

16. What are the two major legal initiatives by the State since Independence addressing discrimination against Scheduled Tribes (STs)?


17. What is the basis of regionalism? Is it that unequal distribution of benefits of development on regional basis eventually promotes regionalism? Substantiate your answer.

18. To what extent globalisation has influenced the core of cultural diversity in India? Explain.

19. “An essential condition to eradicate poverty is to liberate the poor from the process of deprivation.” Substantiate this statement with suitable examples.

20. Why are the tribals in India referred to as ‘the Scheduled Tribes’? Indicate the major provisions enshrined in the Constitution of India for their upliftment.


21. Discuss the changes in the trends of labour migration within and outside India in the last four decades.

22. Discuss the positive and negative effects of globalization on women in India.

23. Debate the issue of whether and how contemporary movements for assertion of Dalit identity work towards annihilation of caste

24. Describe any four cultural elements of diversity in India and rate their relative significance in building a national identity.

25. Critically examine whether growing population is the cause of poverty OR poverty is the main cause of population increase in India.

26. How do you explain the statistics that show that the sex ratio in Tribes in India is more favourable to women than the sex ratio among Scheduled Castes?


27. Discuss the various economic and socio-cultural forces that are driving increasing feminization of agriculture in India.

28. How do the Indian debates on secularism differ from the debates in the West?

29. How does patriarchy impact the position of a middle class working woman in India?

30. Why do some of the most prosperous regions of India have an adverse sex ratio for women? Give your arguments.

31. The life cycle of a joint family depends on economic factors rather than social values. Discuss.


32. Critically examine the effect of globalization on the aged population in India.

33. Growing feeling of regionalism is an important factor in generation of demand for a separate State.Discuss

34. Discuss the various social problems which originated out of the speedy process of urbanization in India

35. “Male membership needs to be encouraged in order to make women’s organization free from gender bias.” Comment



1. Discuss how emerging technologies and globalisation contribute to money laundering. Elaborate measures to tackle the problem of money laundering both at national and international levels.

2. Keeping in view India's internal security, analyses the impact of cross-border cyber-attacks. Also discuss defensive measures against these sophisticated attacks. 1

3. Analyse the multidimensional challenges posed by external state and non-state actors, to the internal security of India. Also discuss measures required to be taken to combat these threats

4.Analyse the complexity and intensity of terrorism, its causes, linkages and obnoxious nexus. Also suggest measures required to be taken to eradicate the menace of terrorism. 15 (Answer in 250 words)


6. Discuss different types of Cyber crimes and measures required to be taken to fight the menace. (Answer in 150 words)

7. What are the determinants of left-wing extremism in the Eastern part of India? What strategy should the Government of India, civil administration and security forces adopt to counter the threat in the affected areas? (Answer in 250 words)

8. Analyze internal security threats and transborder crimes along Myanmar, Bangladesh and Pakistan borders including Line of Control (LoC). Also, discuss the role played by various security forces in this regard. (Answer in 250 words)


9. Cross-Border movement of insurgents is only one of the several security challenges facing the policing of the border in North-East India. Examine the various challenges currently emanating across the IndiaMyanmar border. Also, discuss the steps to counter the challenges.

10. The banning of ‘Jammat-e-Islami’ in Jammu and Kashmir brought into focus the role of over-ground workers (OGWs) in assisting terrorist organizations. Examine the role played by OGWs in assisting terrorist organizations in insurgency affected areas. Discuss measures to neutralize the influence of OGWs.

11. What is the CyberDome Project? Explain how it can be useful in controlling internet crimes in India.


12. Data security has assumed significant importance in the digitized world due to rising cyber crimes. The Justice B.N. Srikrishna Committee Report addresses issues related to data security. What, in your view, are the strengths and weaknesses of the Report relating to protection of personal data in cyber space?

13. India’s proximity to the two of the world’s biggest illicit opium growing states has enhanced her internal security concerns. Explain the linkages between drug trafficking and other illicit activities such as gunrunning, money laundering and human trafficking. What counter measures should be taken to prevent the same?

14. The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is viewed as a cardinal subset of China’s larger ‘One Belt One Road’ initiative. Give a brief description of CPEC and enumerate the reasons why India has distanced itself from the same.

15. Left Wing Extremism (LWE) is showing a downward trend, but still affects many parts of the country. Briefly explain the Government of India’s approach to counter the challenges posed by LWE.


16. The scourge of terrorism is a grave challenge to national security. What solutions do you suggest to curb this growing menace? What are the major sources of terrorist funding?

17. Discuss the potential threats of Cyber attack and the security framework to prevent it.

18. The North-Eastern region of India has been infested with insurgency for a very long time. Analyze the major reasons for the survival of armed insurgency in this region.

19. Mob violence is emerging as a serious law and order problem in India. By giving suitable examples, analyze the causes and consequences of such violence.


20. Use of internet and social media by non-state actors for subversive activities is a major security concern. How have these been misused in the recent past? Suggest effective guidelines to curb the above threat.

21. Border management is a complex task due to difficult terrain and hostile relations with some countries. Elucidate the challenges and strategies for effective border management

22. The terms ‘Hot Pursuit’ and ‘Surgical Strikes’ are often used in connection with armed action against terrorist attacks. Discuss the strategic impact of such actions.

23. ‘Terrorism is emerging as a competitive industry over the last few decades.” Analyse the above statement.


24. Religious indoctrination via digital media has resulted in Indian youth joining the

25. The persisting drives of the Government for development of large industries in backward areas have resulted in isolating the tribal population and the farmers who face multiple displacements. With Malkangiri and Naxalbari foci, discuss the corrective strategies needed to win the Left Wing Extremism (LWE) doctrine affected citizens back into the mainstream of social and economic growth.

26. Considering the threats cyberspace poses for the country, India needs a “Digital Armed Forces” to prevent crimes. Critically evaluate the National Cyber Security Policy, 2013 outlining the challenges perceived in its effective implementation.

27. Discuss the advantages and security implications of cloud hosting of servers vis-a-vis in-house machine-based hosting for government businesses.

28. Human right activists constantly highlight the view that the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958 (AFSPA) is a draconian act leading to cases of human rights abuses by the security forces. What sections of AFSPA are opposed by the activists? Critically evaluate the requirement with reference to the view held by the Apex Court.


29. In 2012, the longitudinal marking for high-risk areas for piracy was moved from 65 degrees east to 78 degrees east in the Arabian Sea by the International Maritime Organization. What impact does this have on India’s maritime security concerns?

30. China and Pakistan have entered into an agreement for development of an economic corridor. What threat does this pose for India’s security? Critically examine.

31. “The diverse nature of India as a multi-religious and multi-ethnic society is not immune to the impact of radicalism which is seen in her neighbourhood.” Discuss along with strategies to be adopted to counter this environment.

32. International civil aviation laws provide all countries complete and exclusive sovereignty over the airspace above their territory. What do you understand by ‘airspace? What are the implications of these laws on the space above this airspace? Discuss the challenges which this poses and suggest ways to contain the threat.

33. How does illegal transborder migration pose a threat to India’s security? Discuss the strategies to curb this, bringing out the factors which give impetus to such migration


34. Aricle 244 of the Indian Constitution relates to administration of scheduled areas and tribal areas. Analyse the impact of non-implementation of the provisions of the Fifth schedule on the growth of Left Wing extremism.

35. How far are India’s internal security challenges linked with border management particularly in view of the long porous borders with most countries of South Asia and Myanmar?

36. Money laundering poses a serious security threat to a country’s economic sovereignty. What is its significance for India and what steps are required to be taken to control this menace?

37. What are social networking sites and what security implications do these sites present?

38. Cyber warfare is considered by some defense analysts to be a larger threat than even Al Qaeda or terrorism. What do you understand by Cyber warfare? Outline the cyber threats which India is vulnerable to and bring out the state of the country’s preparedness to deal with the same.



1. Assess the main administrative issues and socio-cultural problems in the integration process of Indian Princely States.

2. How did land reforms in some parts of the country help to improve the socio-economic conditions of the marginal and small farmers?


1. Discuss whether formation of new states in recent times is beneficial or not for the economy of India?


2. Has the formation of linguistic states strengthened the cause of Indian unity?


3. Analyze the circumstances that led to the Tashkent Agreement in 1966. Discuss the highlights of the Agreement.

4. Critically examine the compulsions which prompted India to play a decisive role in the emergence of Bangladesh.

5. Write a critical note on the evolution and significance of the slogan, ‘Jai Jawan Jai Kisan’

6. Discuss the contributions of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad to pre- and post-independent India.

Social Justice


1. The need for cooperation among various service sector has been an inherent component of development discourse. Partnership bridges bring the gap among the sectors. It also sets in motion a culture of ‘Collaboration’ and ‘team spirit’. In the light of statements above examine India’s Development process.

2. Performance of welfare schemes that are implemented for vulnerable sections is not so effective due to the absence of their awareness and active involvement at all stages of policy process – Discuss

3. How is the Government of India protecting traditional knowledge of medicine from patenting by pharmaceutical companies?

4. Despite Consistent experience of High growth, India still goes with the lowest indicators of human development. Examine the issues that make balanced and inclusive development elusive

5. There is a growing divergence in the relationship between poverty and hunger in India. The shrinking of social expenditure by the government is forcing the poor to spend more on Non- Food essential items squeezing their food – budget.- Elucidate

6. Implementation of information and Communication Technology (ICT) based Projects / Programmes usually suffers in terms of certain vital factors. Identify these factors, and suggest measures for their effective implementation

7.‘In the context of the neo-liberal paradigm of development planning, multi-level planning is expected to make operations cost-effective and remove many implementation blockages.’-Discuss


8. How far do you agree with the view that the focus on lack of availability of food as the main cause of hunger takes the attention away from ineffective human development policies in India?

9. Appropriate local community-level healthcare intervention is a prerequisite to achieve ‘Health for All’ in India. Explain


10. Does the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 ensure effective mechanism for empowerment and inclusion of the intended beneficiaries in the society? Discuss.

11. ‘To ensure effective implementation of policies addressing water, sanitation and hygiene needs, the identification of beneficiary segments is to be synchronized with the anticipated outcomes’. Examine the statement in the context of the WASH scheme.

12. Hunger and Poverty are the biggest challenges for good governance in India still today. Evaluate how far successive governments have progressed in dealing with these humongous problems. Suggest measures for improvement.


13. Examine the main provisions of the National Child Policy and throw light on the status of its implementation.

14. Professor Amartya Sen has advocated important reforms in the realms of primary education and primary health care. What are your suggestions to improve their status and performance?


15. Public health system has limitations in providing universal health coverage. Do you think that private sector could help in bridging the gap? What other viable alternatives would you suggest?

16. The quality of higher education in India requires major improvements to make it internationally competitive. Do you think that the entry of foreign educational institutions would help improve the quality of technical and higher education in the country? Discuss.

17. Though there have been several different estimates of poverty in India, all indicate reduction in poverty levels over time. Do you agree? Critically examine with reference to urban and rural poverty indicators.


18. Do government’s schemes for up-lifting vulnerable and backward communities by protecting required social resources for them, lead to their exclusion in establishing businesses in urban economies?


19. The concept of Mid Day Meal (MDM) scheme is almost a century old in India with early beginnings in Madras Presidency in pre-independent India. The scheme has again been given impetus in most states in the last two decades. Critically examine its twin objectives, latest mandates and success

20. Identify the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) that are related to health. Discuss the success of the actions taken by the Government for achieving the same.

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