UPPSC Exam 2024
UPPSC Syllabus
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The official syllabus for the MPPSC, or the Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission examinations has been released. These exams are usually held for the different government jobs, such as Naib Tehsildar, Deputy Collector, Assistant Director and others.
The State Civil Service Examination held by the Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission (MPPSC) has 538 vacant posts in the state of Madhya Pradesh. The exam is conducted in two parts, the preliminary examination and the main examination.
• MPPSC Exam Pattern
The MPPSC 2023 Exam will be conducted in three stages. The MPPSC Exam Pattern for all three stages is in the table below:
• Under the Prelims examination, there are two main papers, namely:
General Studies and General Aptitude Test. Both are objective (MCQs) type of paper.
Both the papers consist of 200 marks each, and candidates are allotted 120 minutes or 2 hours for each paper.
There will be no negative marking in MPPSC (State Service Exam) Prelims exam for wrong answers.
• Under the MPPSC Mains Mains examination, there are five main papers, namely:
While the first three papers on General Studies consist of 300 marks each, the fourth General Studies paper consists of 200 marks. Additionally, the Hindi paper also consists of 200 marks, while the Hindi essay paper is allotted with a maximum of 100 marks. Furthermore, all the papers, except the one on Hindi Essays, is allotted 180 minutes, or 3 hours to complete. Candidates are given 120 minutes, or 2 hours to complete the Hindi Essay paper.
The syllabus for the MPPSC Prelims exam is as follows:
Syllabus for the MPPSC Mains Exam is as follows:
History & Culture World History Indian History Moguls and their administration Impact of British Rule on Indian economy and society, Indian ‘Renaissance: Emergence of India as a Republic. Indian Culture, Heritage Geography Water Management, Disaster & its Management