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UPSC Study Material

Indian Heritage

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Indian Paintings

  • Pre Historic Painting
  • Mural Paintings & Cave Paintings
  • Miniature Paintings
    • Pala School
    • Mughal Paintings
  • Rajasthani School Of Painting
    • Bundi School Of Painting
    • Malwa School
    • Mewar School
  • Pahari Style Of Painting
    • Basohli School
    • Kangra School
  • Decann School Of Painting
  • Folk Paintings
    • Madhubani Paintings Or Mithila Paintings
    • Pattachitra
    • Kalighat Painting
    • Kalamkari
    • Warli
  • Modern Indian Paintings
  • Personalities Associated To Paintings


  • Hinduism
  • Jainism
  • Buddhism
  • Islam
  • Christianity
  • Zoroastrianism
  • Judaism


  • Six Schools Of Philosophy
  • Ajivika
  • Lokayata / Charvaka

Indian Music

  • Classical Music
    • Hindustani Music
    • Carnatic Music
  • Folk Music Tradition
  • Modern Music
  • Personalities Associated With Music

Indian Dance

  • Classical Dance Forms In India
    • Odissi
    • Bharatanatyam
    • Sattriya
    • Kuchipudi
    • Manipuri
    • Kathakali
    • Kathak
    • Mohiniattam
    • Chhau
  • Folk Dances
  • Modern Dance In India


  • Sanskrit Theatre
  • Folk Theatre
  • Modern Theatre
  • Personalities Associated With Theatre


  • History Of Puppetry
  • Different Forms Of Puppetry In India
    • String Puppetry
    • Shadow Puppetry
    • Rod Puppetry
    • Glove Puppetry

Indian Cinema and Circus

Bhakti & Sufi Movement

  • Bhakti Movement
    • Shankaracharya
    • Ramanujacharya (1017-1137AD)
    • Nimbaraka
    • Madhvacharya
    • Vallabhacharya
    • Basavanna
    • Ramananda
    • Kabir (1440-1510 AD)
    • Guru Nanak (1469-1538 AD)
    • Mirabai
    • Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
    • Tulsidas
    • Dadu Dayal
    • Shankar Dev
    • Purandaradasa
    • Gnaneshwar
    • Eknath
    • Namdev
    • Tukaram
    • Samard Ramdas
  • Sufism 

Language & Literature

  • Indian Languages
    • Classical Languages
    • Scheduled Languages
  • Indian Literature
    • Literature In Ancient India
    • Buddhist And Jain Literature
    • Dravidian Literature
      • Tamil (Sangam) Literature
      • Malayalam Literature
      • Telugu Literature
      • Kannada Literature
    • Medieval Literature

Fairs, Festivals and Craft

  • Important Characteristics Of Fairs And Festivals Of India
  • Some Of The Major Festivals That Are Celebrated In India
  • Art & Crafts

Science & Technology [Art & Culture]

  • Ancient Science & Technology
  • Medieval Science & Technology
  • Famous Personalities In Science & Technology

Promotion and Preservation of Indian Heritage

  • Indian World Heritage Sites
    • Tangible Cultural Heritage
    • Intangible Cultural Heritage
  • Cultural Heritage Sites
  • Natural Heritage Sites
  • Important Institutions
  • Important Programmes Related To Promotion And Preservation Of Indian Heritage

Pottery tradition in India

  • Ochre Colored Pottery (OCP)
  • Black And Red Ware (BRW)
  • Painted Grey-Ware (PGW)
  • Northern Black Polished Ware (NBPW)

Martial Arts in India

  • Origin Of Martial Arts In India
  • Various Forms Of Martial Arts In India

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key features of the Indus Valley Civilization?

 The Indus Valley Civilization, also known as the Harappan Civilization, thrived around 3300–1300 BCE. Key features include advanced urban planning, well-developed drainage systems, standardized weights and measures, and a script that remains undeciphered. Cities like Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa were major centers.

These sample questions and answers cover a range of World Geography topics. Ensure to supplement your study materials with current affairs, case studies, and additional readings to enhance your understanding and stay updated on relevant issues.

How did the decline of the Indus Valley Civilization occur?

The decline is debated, but factors like environmental changes, natural disasters, and shifts in trade routes may have played a role. Evidence suggests a gradual decline rather than a sudden collapse.

These sample questions and answers cover a range of World Geography topics. Ensure to supplement your study materials with current affairs, case studies, and additional readings to enhance your understanding and stay updated on relevant issues.

Explain the significance of the Rigveda in the Vedic period.

The Rigveda, the oldest of the four Vedas, is a collection of hymns dedicated to various deities. It provides insights into the religious, social, and cultural aspects of the Vedic society. The hymns are in Sanskrit and offer glimpses into early Hindu beliefs and practices.

These sample questions and answers cover a range of World Geography topics. Ensure to supplement your study materials with current affairs, case studies, and additional readings to enhance your understanding and stay updated on relevant issues.

What were the major social institutions during the Vedic period?

The Vedic period saw the emergence of the varna system, dividing society into four main classes: Brahmins (priests), Kshatriyas (warriors), Vaishyas (merchants), and Shudras (laborers). This laid the foundation for the later caste system.

These sample questions and answers cover a range of World Geography topics. Ensure to supplement your study materials with current affairs, case studies, and additional readings to enhance your understanding and stay updated on relevant issues.

Compare the Maurya and Gupta empires in terms of administration.

The Mauryan Empire, under Chandragupta Maurya and Ashoka, had a centralized bureaucracy and a strong military. The Gupta Empire, while maintaining central control, allowed local rulers more autonomy, fostering cultural and economic growth.

These sample questions and answers cover a range of World Geography topics. Ensure to supplement your study materials with current affairs, case studies, and additional readings to enhance your understanding and stay updated on relevant issues.

Discuss the achievements of the Gupta period in art and literature.

The Gupta period is known as the “Golden Age of Indian Art.” Achievements include the development of classical Sanskrit literature, advancements in science and mathematics, and the creation of exquisite sculptures and paintings.

These sample questions and answers cover a range of World Geography topics. Ensure to supplement your study materials with current affairs, case studies, and additional readings to enhance your understanding and stay updated on relevant issues.

Describe the features of Indo-Islamic architecture during the medieval period.

Indo-Islamic architecture amalgamated Islamic and indigenous styles. Notable features include the use of arches, domes, minarets, and calligraphy. The Qutub Minar and the Taj Mahal are iconic examples.

These sample questions and answers cover a range of World Geography topics. Ensure to supplement your study materials with current affairs, case studies, and additional readings to enhance your understanding and stay updated on relevant issues.

How did the Mughals contribute to Indian art and architecture?

The Mughals, especially under Akbar, Jahangir, and Shah Jahan, contributed significantly to Indian art. The Taj Mahal is a prime example of Mughal architecture, showcasing intricate detailing, symmetry, and a fusion of Persian and Indian styles.

These sample questions and answers cover a range of World Geography topics. Ensure to supplement your study materials with current affairs, case studies, and additional readings to enhance your understanding and stay updated on relevant issues.

Explain the goals and impact of the Bhakti movement.

The Bhakti movement emphasized a personal and devotional connection with the divine, transcending caste and creed. It played a crucial role in integrating various regional cultures and fostering a sense of unity among the masses.

These sample questions and answers cover a range of World Geography topics. Ensure to supplement your study materials with current affairs, case studies, and additional readings to enhance your understanding and stay updated on relevant issues.

What were the main teachings of Sufi saints during the medieval period?

Sufi saints focused on a direct, personal experience of the divine through mysticism and love. They preached tolerance, love, and simplicity, bridging gaps between different religious communities.

Sufi saints focused on a direct, personal experience of the divine through mysticism and love. They preached tolerance, love, and simplicity, bridging gaps between different religious communities.

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